That last chapter literally had nothing to do with the fact that I did kill mal.
Mal that two timing, mother licking, shoe licker fuck duck whore ass poop shoot ATE MY FUCKING PIE.
I watched one of the videos Kiki left for mal and it was just her chewing on an orange bracelet for at least twenty five minutes, I found that really fucked up but who am I to talk? I murder people, and I l-l-love it.
After sorting out all of the will stuff, I found a note and it was for me, from Kiki it said; "call your doctor, my love, my real love." So I hopped on down to the FREE clinic because who can really afford healthcare..anyway, I met up my doctor ima dickheadu.
She told me that I had a Tim Hortons cup stuck in my upper right shoulder, and that I had one day to live. I quickly wrote my will, I left everything to Brian. Buddha, my shoes, a Tim hortons gift card, and the applesauce factory.
I couldn't help but blame mal for potentially ending my life in a couple of hours because I remember one night at a concert he threw an icecapp on stage, thinking that I'd be able to catch it with both hands on my guitar.
I really thought about how I could get him back for a good 2-3 minutes until I received the greatest idea in the world.
I was going to kill mals parents.