In kikis suicide note she wrote, "mal is life and mal and I were going to get married. Fuck you, murderer."
I felt kind of bad that I never really gave mal A chance but, I just couldn't get over one of his personalities and his emo swoop.
In one of these chapters, I mention that I liked mals grandpa side. Mal has a multiple personality disorder and one of his personalities is a trans women named "Nancy."
If you've never seen nancy on the total drama fucking show thing it's because it was filmed in the 80's and people were still homophobic and transphobic and all that other bullshit anyway, her and I were friends at first until she started to message mahome, my internet "friend" from craigslist and stole my boyfriend, Todd.
She said, that I was too good for them but I knew she wanted them all to herself! I argued saying that she had Kiki, and I guess every personality has different memories so, she was like tf? I guess, that's really the reason I hated mal oh, and his emo swoop.
Lastly, mal and Kiki were going to get married even though they've only been seeing eachothers for like, two weeks. Whatever, though..yolo! They had the rehearsal dinner planned, the cake ordered and all that other fuckass stuff. But, instead of those two getting married, debbi and nick, as I mentioned before got married with the things they paid for.
It was an amazing day for the both of them. Too bad debbi got to him first, the neighbour was eyeing him up, too, ohoho.
Mal is still a nooksucker, though,