chapter 2

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"Guys this is my new friend Tristan." Sodapop introduced me and my eyes widened when I saw him.

"Dallas?" I cried out and he had the same expression.

"Holy fuck." He mumbled.

I laughed before running to him and jumping into his arms. "Dallas you have you no idea-"

"How much I've missed you!" We both said simultaneously. The other boys in the room were silent with confusion.

"Guys I'm sorry, geez, this is Trissy-"

"Tristan." I interrupted.

"What?" He chuckled.

"Yeah I go by Tristan now."

"I thought you hated your name?" He questioned.

"I've changed since we were 13 Dallas." I informed him.

"Wait a second." Sodapop started. "Explain how you two know each other."

"We lived in the same building back in New York. We were best friends our entire childhood." I looked at him and smiled. "Dallas you look amazing. You're a grown man."

"Look at you. What are you some kind of hippie?"

"Actually yeah. I'm a peaceful protester. I've been driving through America and staying with different people since I was 14."

"Geez man. I can't believe you're here." He shook his head and laughed.

"I've missed you so much!" I hugged him again. "You boys are so lucky! This guy is the best guy you'll ever meet." I informed them and they exchanged strange glances.

"What?" I questioned.

"Nothing," the boy with a Mickey Mouse shirt started. "We're just wondering if you know the same Dallas as we do." They all laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are they talking about?" I smiled at Dallas.

"Let's take a walk Trissy."

"Tristan." I corrected.


I was concerned. I didn't like the vibe I was getting. Back home, Dallas was the sweetest boy I had ever known. He was extremely intelligent and kind-hearted. We used to talk about how we were going to get married and have a 100 kids together. Then Dallas was framed for murder and was arrested. This was the same year my mom and died were killed by a drug dealer. I left everything behind when the people I love were taken from me. I became the free spirit I am now because when they were taken from me, I lost hope and peace. So I became the peace.

"What's going on?" I asked once we stepped out side.

He hesitated and then lit a cigarette. He offered me one, still without saying a word. I took his offer and still continued to wait for my answer.

"Dallas." I said urging him to speak.

"I'm not the same Tristan. I've changed." He tried to convince me.

"Bullshit." I called. "People don't change."

"No that's bullshit. Look at you. You were nothing like this before man, you've changed too."

I didn't respond because I guess in a way I had changed. But Dallas wasn't the boy he was pretending to be.

"Dallas." I stopped him and he turned to me. "This isn't you. I know you." He starred at me with empathetic eyes.

"Not anymore you don't. Just don't be surprised when you hear things okay." He sounded concerned. But I nodded in agreement.

"So what's with you and Sodapop?" He grinned at me as we made our way back.

I rolled my eyes. "I just met him."

"Doesn't take the girls long to fall for Sodapop." He laughed.

"I'm not trying to fall in love Dal. I'm not gonna stay here." I protested calmly.

"Why not?"

"I'm waiting till something tells me to stay where I am. Till the wind stops blowing. Till I have a reason to stop running." I explained and he smirked slightly.

"What?" I asked referring to his small chuckle and smirk.

"I think you'll find your reason here." He said opening the door and revealing a group of yelling boys. Not at all like the silent bunch I had early left to go talk to Dally. They were yelling and laughing and living.

And I'm not sure what it was, but something inside me felt at home. And I smiled.

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