Part 2

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***Abhimanyu's P.O.V***

Story so far - Abhimanyu is waiting for an important meeting with Raichand Corporation which  gets postponed to the weekend, while his P.A Riya is trying to seduce and flirt with him. Abhimanyu doesn't want to go to the Oberio's hotel for the meeting because of the bad experience he had the last time he was there, but he wanted this deal with RC so he was ready to do anything for it.

Friday evening found me very tensed, pacing around my room and going through all the tactics I'm to use at the meeting tomorrow with the Raichand's.

I gulped as Riya's words from earlier in the evening came back to me.

"The meeting with Mr. Raichand will be tomorrow at the Oberoi's hotel at 10 in the morning... Either Mr. Kunal Raichand or his sister Ms. Gayathri Raichand would meet you there.... Mr. Raichand has booked the table for the two of you under his name"  a very somber Riya had informed me before dashing out of my cabin this evening.

"Beta ji! Calm will definitely crack this deal okay?" came my mom's soothing voice, stopping me at my step.

I whipped my head around to find my mom at the door, smiling warmly at me. I had only time to gape at her as she entered my room and engulfed me into a much needed tight hug - yes ladies I am a mumma's boy and ain't ashamed of it!

"Mom?! When did you come?" I asked her, surprised, breaking away from the hug. I couldn't hide the glee from my voice! I was meeting my mom after such a long time, that too the day before the most important meeting of my life!

"I just came now. Kavita told me you were busy measuring the area of your room by this continuous pacing, so I thought I'd see it for myself - and she wasn't lying!! My arrogant and ever confident son was being nervous for a meeting? Now that's something new!" mom said, patting my back and giggling. She didn't even control her giggles while her precious beta was tensed as fuck!

Kavita was the head of house-keeping at my mansion.

I lived alone at my mansion in Mumbai while my parents lived in Delhi - perks of being one of the richest person in the country, and the CEO of the second highest grossing company in the country!

"Mom!!  You know how much this meeting means to me! Bringing our company to the first position is my dream and you know how much I've been working for it!" I said, sitting down on my bed while mom too came and sat down next to me.

"Yes beta ji...I know how much you've worked. I cannot even describe how proud you make me!! You know what else would make me proud and happy?" mom asked, looking up expectantly at me and I knew where she was getting at.

"Mom no!! Not now at least?! C'mon! I'm freaking out here about tomorrow's meeting and you're seriously talking about my marriage! Give it a break will you?" I said angrily and got up to resume pacing of my room.

Few of my mother's favorite topics to discuss - fashion, my marriage, home decor, my marriage, ladies' gossip, my marriage.

"You've lost so much weight Abhi! And I've heard from Kavita that you even work overtime most of the days!! And now I see you pacing around and getting tensed for a meeting?! If you had a wife, all these wouldn't have had happened?!!" mom said sternly, making me go still just enough to turn around and look incredulously at her.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud!

"Seriously ma?? Wife and getting tensed for a meeting - how are these two things even related? Okay so you're saying that if I had a wife then the Raichand's would directly give me the contract and sign the deal?? Because I'm married and already suffering, maybe they'd do that.... Maybe they would out of pity!" I said, rolling my eyes and giving out a bitter chuckle.

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