Part 7

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***Abhimanyu's P.O.V***

I was waiting with baited breath, to hear her answer, my fingers crossed, hoping she'd say a 'yes'. I don't think I'll be this nervous even when I propose to Naina - yes I will propose her one day!!

"Um it's okay bhai... I can manage..." she said, making my heart fall down and reach some 10 miles below its usual place!

"You know I can't allow you to use public transport! Either let Abhi here drop you to office or let me drop you, thus causing me to lose an important deal" Kunal said angrily, making Naina pout oh so cutely that it tempted me to just kiss that pout!

"But he might have some other work" she said softly.

Aww she worries for me!! Now my heart is back to it's usual place - maybe an inch or two above it's usual place!

I was staring at this awesome girl in front of me {Naina}, lost in my own sweet world, and was brought out of it quite rudely by a loud clearing of throat - Kunal!

I glared at him, but he was signalling me to do something - but what?? I looked at him curiously, my anger long forgotten, when I felt a sudden pain in my feet and I yelped, looking down at my feet to find Kunal's feet just inches away from mine - he stomped me, but why?

"What happened?" he asked curiously, while Naina's face was filled with concern.

Heat rose up to my cheeks when I realized that she was concerned for me - just making me grin sheepishly.

I was again brought out of my thoughts by another stomp from Kunal, making me glare at him. He looked at me and shot his eyes towards Naina and mouthed the words 'speak' ... Oh!! He was signalling me to speak, so I did....

"Uh nothing...I actually meant..." I tried to decipher what Kunal was signalling me to say, but instead, started sweating profusely as words just got stuck in my mouth, making her look at me in confusion.

Looking away from Kunal, I tried to meet Naina's gaze, stuttering to form a sentence - what am I supposed to tell now?!

But I was saved by my phone's timely buzzing. I excused myself to look at the message that had popped up on my mobile's lock-screen.

It was from Kunal - 'Tell her you aren't busy and you don't mind dropping her to her office! Duh!!'

Oh yeah that was the conversation... It's so simple too!!

"I was just saying that I am free to drop you to your office...Miss Naina, it's on the way so no issues" I said politely, looking at Naina who was avoiding my gaze.

I wanted to address her as baby and sweetheart but now's not the moment... I also wanted her to look at me, so that I can again get lost in those beautiful orbs of her's which was like ecstasy for me!

"No really..." she said, now looking at me but quickly averting her gaze and not  meeting my gaze.

"No I insist Miss Naina" I said, stressing on the word miss. I wanted her to ask me to drop the formality and call her as Naina!! Was that too much to ask for?

"See...problem solved" Kunal said, making Naina jump. She looked lost and...surprised, but why? She didn't say anything but walked alongside her brother as the three of us made our way out of the hotel and waited outside the reception for the valet to fetch our cars.

"It was nice meeting you Abhi" Kunal said after pulling me into a bro-hug and whispering "Thank me later for this" in my ear and winking before he drove off in his car.

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