Part 29

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***Naina's P. O. V***

I'm not an emotionally weak person, and neither do I cry so easily... but the panic in Abhi's voice and the way in which he'd rushed off to bhai's aid had wrecked my senses, making tears flow out of my eyes like a faulty faucet! Wiping away the tears I drove the car to the address that Abhi had sent.

Yeah he'd said to take a driver but the anger and sadness coursing through me wanted me to do something rebellious.... And I did - driving my own car whilst half crying, not giving a fuck about breaking the traffic rules.

I reached the destination and forgot about everything at the sight in front of me - it was an apartment complex!! A fucking apartment!! Who the fuck stays here?!

My hands were shivering so much I couldn't even enter into the visitor's register properly... The watchman took pity on my and filled up the details before letting me in.

I drove again to the said block and ran up the stairs to the said floor to finally reach my final destination - an apartment with Shruthi's name on the name plate. Wait was this my friend Shruthi?! What the fuck did she do here when she had her whole family living in their mansion at the center of the city?!

Bhai and Shruthi.... What the fuck was happening?!

I didn't knock on the door but using all my strength banged my fist on it....only for the door to open wide.

I barged in, looking for my husband or my brother or my best friend in every room, to finally find all of them in one bedroom.

Everybody's eyes turned towards me as I entered, but my eyes scanned every other face before turning to my brother.

My best friend.... He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, blanket covering most of his body and an IV bottle connected to his right wrist. A doctor was tending to him and my husband, Nikhil and Shruthi were huddled near his bed.

Shruthi's eyes were bloodshot, indicating that she'd been crying.

"What happened?" I asked, wiping my own tears and walking towards the bed, only to stop next to Abhi.

"He's okay... There's nothing we can do right now of course.... I'm always a call away if you need me for anything" the doctor said to Abhi, who thanked him and nodded at him before the doctor left.

"Will anybody tell me what's happened?" I asked, looking from my husband to his best friend to my best friend before looking at my brother who was lying unconscious on the bed.

"Absolutely fucking piece of shit this one I hate him" Shruthi spat, looking at Bhai, before dashing out of the room.

"I'll talk to her" Nikhil said, disappearing behind Shruthi.

"Did you come alone?" Abhi asked, indicating the car key in my hand.

"Yes but what's happened to my Bhai?" I asked, getting worried at how everyone was dodging my question.

"How could you come alone? I told you it's not safe and get a driver to drop you here!! You were crying Naina and then I'm guessing you drove here as though you were on redbull because it took you less that 10 minutes to reach here while it had taken me half an hour!!" Abhi said, glaring at me.

"First tell me what's happened to Bhai? And I'm strong enough to take care of myself" I shouted, pushing away his hand and moving towards Bhai.

"You maybe strong enough to do any shit you want but I'm you husband and I fucking care for you alright? What if you'd gotten into an accident or something Naina?!" Abhi roared louder than me.

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