Part 45

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***Naina's P. O. V***

I sighed as Abhi called me once more and yet again I disconnected his call. It was prudent that I ignore him and ignore the throbbing of my heart, and more over, ignore the longing I'd started developing for Abhi... a longing to be with him!!

The past three weeks I'm sure were rather rude for Abhi, but it was nothing short of torture for me - a self-inflicting torture. Why?!

Abhi of course!!

After that talk with Shruthi, I'd come home and yet again received that more-than-warm welcome from Abhi who was hugging me and looking at me with those eyes filled with love... it stabbed my heart and guilt corroded me.

It'd taken my everything to just not pack my bags and leave... leave to a place where that pair of chocolate brown orbs filled with warmth, love, and adoration for me couldn't find me.

Even over-working myself hadn't helped me in any possible way!! I couldn't help myself from thinking about Abhi even when I'm working hard at office!! I've gone to the extent of daydreaming about him!!

And last night... though my heart fluttered at the memory of the kiss, I also cringed at how I'd just left him and myself hanging in there!!

Was I just horny and desperate for some action?! Or was this something much more deeper?!

"You like him Naina!!" Shruthi's message popped on my screen and I could practically hear her smirking and rolling her eyes at this!

This is what happens when you ask your best friend for help - I did realize that there's something going on between Abhi and me, thanks!!

"HOW CAN I LIKE HIM WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT HIM?!" I text yelled back to Shruthi, massaging my forehead with my knuckles.

I hadn't slept all night, sitting on the sofa and looking at his sleeping form as his head lolled from side-to-side as the poor guy sat on the bed, waiting for me.

The trouble was, what was I to say to him? 

He'd looked exceptionally adorable yesterday and I just.... I just couldn't stop myself from kissing him!! Maybe the grinding part was just heat of the moment, but the kiss.... the kiss surely was intentional and filled with a lot of emotion!

Am I falling for Abhi?! Or is it just a mere attraction?!

"You know that he's a good guy who loves you to the moon and back!! You know that he respects and adores you!! You know that he has imposed celibacy on himself, till you accept his love!! He's showering love over you like that fucker Anand never had!! For the love of God just forget Anand for once and move on!!" Shruthi's text popped on my screen again and I could actually hear her sighing in exasperation.

And for the first time in three weeks, I suddenly remembered Anand!! Fuck!!!

With all this confusion about myself, and then Abhi, I'd completely forgotten about Anand!! How could I forget him, when I claim that he's the love of my life?!

Was Shruthi really right when she'd said that he was just a teenage crush and nothing more?! Was Abhi the real deal?!

I need coffee!!

My head was pounding in my ears and for some strange reason, I craved Abhi's touch. Not wanting to dwell anymore on his thoughts, I picked up my phone and made my way to the cafeteria - for a change of environment and a steaming hot mug of coffee.

Sitting at an empty table with a steaming hot mug of coffee for company, I pulled out my phone, only to go into the gallery and take out a picture of Abhi and me from our wedding.

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