Part 27

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***Abhimanyu's P. O. V***

Naina continued to breath heavily while I continued gaping at her. I do understand that a bad break-up, or unfinished love can be a very touchy sad issue, but I didn't expect my wife, the love of my life to have a love story, let alone and incomplete one

Why you ask? Because she said she doesn't believe in love!

"Do.... Um... Do you need water?" I asked hoarsely, picking up the water jug and an empty glass from the coffee table.

Naina didn't say anything, but nodded her head in approval and I filled up the glass with water before handing it over to her.

Naina took the glass with shaking hands and gulped down the water in one go, whilst spilling half of it over herself.

Naina's eyes had gone glassy as she put the empty glass down on the coffee table, wiping the sides of her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Let me" I said, wiping her mouth with a tissue.

We both sat in silence, gazing at one another, with only the sound of our breaths running in the background.

"Do you want to talk about this?" I asked her as calmly as possible, while my heart hammered against my rib cage and the only sound I could hear was the sound of my own heart beat - as though I had plugged into my iPod which was playing the sound of my heartbeat with amplified bass!!

"It's nothing" Naina said finally, giving me a small smile and trying to get up. But I held her hand, making her stay and look at me with a curious expression on her face.

"Talking about it will help you calm down. Clearly this unfinished love story of your's is bothering you" I mumbled, trying to sound calm and reassuring and not let the fact that I'm hurt and jealous surface on my face.

"It's not an unfinished love story... I told you... I don't believe in love... It's just what I've read 'n stuff... Nothing... " She said but I cut her in- "oh yeah because books and movies give detailed in depth analysis of how it feels to have your heart shredded into a thousand pieces?!" rolling my eyes.

Naina gave me a small smile and sighed before saying "it's .. not love... It was my.... first crush... That's all"

"Oh? Who was he?" I asked, feeling slightly relieved - crush is temporary but love is permanent! Easy to get over a crush you know?!

"Just nobody chuck" she said, trying to get up. But I tugged at her hand and this time she fell on my lap and gasped as I caged her in my arms by wrapping them around her waist, and pulling her more to myself.

"I'm not leaving you until you tell me about this dude" I said seriously.

Naina looked at me for a while and sighed in defeat, making me grin.

But then, my phone rang and I picked it up to see the screen flashing the name of the asshole of my life, the haddi in kebab, Nikhil. I frowned as I saw notifications for around 10 messages that he had sent too, all starting with 'it's urgent'

"I'm sorry I got to take this" I said to Naina, who nodded at me.

I put her back on the sofa, kissed her cheeks and took my phone to the balcony, closing the door behind me.

"'sup asshole?" I asked, answering the phone.

"It's Kunal... You've got to come" he said in a worried tone

"What happened?" I asked seriously, but he didn't say anything except "I've texted you an address, get there as soon as possible" and cut the call.

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