Part 52

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***Abhimanyu's P. O. V***

I was exhausted like never before, and yet, it felt like as though a renewed spirit kindled within me as I gazed at Naina, whose beautiful eyes dropped as she fought sleep, but continued to gaze back at me, a beautiful blush coloring her tired face.

Still holding her tight close to me, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, cupping her face and looking deep into her eyes - still unable to believe the fact that we had just had sex - we'd just consummated the marriage!

I had just moved my face forward to kiss her forehead when the familiar buzzing began in the background.

Naina giggled, but like had been from the past one hour, bit her lip and continued to play with my shirt button as the two of us continued to ignore the constant buzzing of my phone - no doubt my dear saale sahab was waiting for us.

Ah but all's fair in love 'n war!

"You know... Kunal might just take the place of the most annoying dude ever! And that's saying something, considering how I know Nikhil!" I sighed as the phone began buzzing yet again.

I looked over at my blazer that I'd discarded earlier after our.... Y'know... And before making my girl lie over me. The phone continued to buzz, before finally the call got disconnected, and the only sound was that of our deep breaths.

And like had been going on from an hour, Naina hummed an old hindi song under her breath, toying with my shirt button and playing with my hair.

"You really are... The most... Handsome guy.... I have ever seen..." She trailed off, yawning, her eyes threatening to close shut.

"And you are the most beautiful woman in this universe... No... In all the possible universes!" I declared, to which she giggled.

"I've never been this happy... Ever! Thank you for coming into my life" Naina whispered, moving forward and brushing her lips to mine.

"And thank you for letting me into your life.. it's my duty and pleasure now to keep you happy and smiling... Always" I said honestly,

She smiled and moved forward, placing her lips on mine before softly nibbling on them. I felt myself getting aroused as she toyed with my hair and kissed my lips tenderly, making me grunt in her mouth.

And as I moved my hand to cup her face and deepen the kiss, the buzzing of my phone began, making me break the kiss and even before I could open my mouth to swear, Naina beat me to as she swore loudly. This time, it was I who giggled, and Naina who looked at me in amazement.

"What?" I asked, chuckling at how she'd turned into the feisty girl I'd fallen for.

"Knowing how my dadaji is... I wouldn't wish him even upon my worst enemy! But ah I so hope dadaji is not giving my dear bhaiyya and bhabhi even a second alone together!" She shook her head, throwing my coat, aka the still buzzing phone, a dirty look.

"I don't care for that phone call but damn I'm glad that it brought me back my feisty girl" I nipped the tip of her nose softly, earning another giggle from her.

There was pin-drop silence as the phone stopped buzzing, and both of us continued to look deep into one another's eyes, lost to one another.

Looking deep into her eyes, I moved forward, my lips almost brushing her's, when the phone began to buzz again, and this time, both of us swore loudly, before looking into each other's eyes and bursting out laughing.

"Well he's not gonna let us do anything... might as well tend to whatever problem he has!" I sighed, to which Naina pouted, but agreed.

As she pouted and slowly got up, the hem of her dress got caught in her leg, tugging the dress lower. Even as her dress slipped lower and she fumbled on the spot as she lost her balance, I held her waist to stop her from falling, but looked away from her tempting bosom and towards my blazer and the still buzzing phone.

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