Movies, Games, Food and...Samantha....

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Kylies P.O.V

After finishing my lunch i decided to go out and join the boys for the movie. I went to chek the time 12 :30 already? hmm oh well before i ran out i felt my phone vibrate i picked it up and it was a text from Danielle:

Hey girl, get your but out and Ell are in the living room with the boys and they are driving  us mad!..anyways Nialler tolled us what happened..umm yeah shes a bitch dont worry babe we got your back dont let her bring ya down..we'll talk later just get your cute little arse out here!!


I smiled at the text and sliped the phone back into my pocket and made my way into the living room were i spoted everyone and they were just all talking and laughing and they were so into conversation they didnt even reaize i was there. untill i sneazed...stupid alergies

"KYLIE...YOUR ALIVE" Louis screamed.

"Please Lou..give the girl some space and dont brake her" Elenor said and then gave me a huge hug

"Hey El..i missed you girl" I said "Same cheeka..we gotta catch up" she said

"Ellooo what am i choped liver"?  Daniell asked

"Cores not Dani your much better!" I answered and hugged her. After our little chat we sat down and decided to watch a movie...wich was...toy story..once again. after the movie was over we put another in. During that one Louis started to get anxious so we decided to play truth or dare. We all sat in a circle in this oreder: Me,Niall,Harry,Louis,Ellenor,Danielle,Liam and Zayn

"Ok Louis its your turn" Liam said. "Ok Harry truth or dare?" Lou asked


"Hmm playing it safe Haz?" I laghed

"Ok..tell us the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened?"

"do i havee to Loouuu i mean come on?" Harry wined

"Yes you picked truth and you have to do it" Zayn said.

"fine".....Harry sighed and then continued talking. "you guys probly all remember Natilie...Natilie Shrimin?" Harry asked and we all noded.

"God Haz what did you do?" i askd already cracking up befpre he even got to tell us.

"Shut up Kylie" Harry snaped.

"Anyways..ahh in ninth grade we ah sorta umm made out..." Harry finished and we all started cracking up. Natalie was the most dorkiest girl ever. She had this terrible oder and she never took care of herself. She had pimples basicly plastered all over her face. I kinda felt bad for the girl though....

"Alright guys shut up its not that funny" Harry wined. "It actully wasnt that bad of a kiss"

"You-kised-ahh my gosh hahahah" Louis laughed.

"ENOPHE....ok Kylie truth or dare?" Harry asked.

"Urrrmmmm Dare!!!" I answered..haha im always up for a chalange.

"Ok i dare you to eat a hole spoonfull of hot sauce" He said and i rolled my eyes. I loved hot and spicy things so this is perfect!

"Bring it curly!" i said and he went to go get the hot sauce. "Are tou sure you want to do this Kyles?" Niall asked "Yeah i mean that stuff is extreamly hot" Danielle said and i just shook my head.

"I will be perfectly fine" I said and Harry came back with a spoonfull of hot sauce. He handed it to me and i just stared at it. Preparing myself for what i am aout to do.

"Come on Kylie dont wimp out" Zayn screeched. I noded and by this time they have already srarted chanting my name. I pulled my head back and counted silently to three and forcefully pulled the spoon into my mouth tasting the hot sauce in my throught and swollowed it. As soon as i did so i ran my way tords the frige and grabed a  carton of milk ans started chuging it. I let the cool liquid swim down my throut slowly cooling it down. By the time i was finished cooling down and i made my way back to the living room everyone was laughing really hard.

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