'Wait theres Two?!'

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I woke up a few hours after Harry had left. My headache was gone and i felt a bit better considering i was more rested now. I sat up in the bed and streached out my arms. I swung them over the side of the bed and sliped my feet into my fuzzy little slipers. Then i made my way out into the living room.

"Hey theres sleeping beauty!" Niall said. I smiled and took a seat next to him on the couch.

"Were are the others?" I asked.


"THERES OUR LITTLE PARTY GIRL!" Somone shouted walking into the hotell room. I turned around and sure enophe it was Louis.

"Quiet Lou, your going to make my headache come back" I shouted at him.

"Sorry" He said. I just shrugged.

"Is Eleanor still asleep?" Louis asked Niall. And he noded.

"I'm going to go check on my little angel" Louis said and tip toed into Eleanors room. I rolled my eyes.

"Is Harry still out with Morgan?" I asked

"Yeah, he's been out for a while now so he should be home soon"

"What about Zayn?..were is he?" I asked.

"He went to go visit Ari" Niall tolled me and i noded.

"Dont you guys have a show tonight? What are you doing just sitting around all day?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"I belive we moved the show too tomarow, we explained everything to Paul and he agreed to it" Niall said. I smiled. Good ol' Paul.

"Yaaay! so we get the hole day to ourselves?" I asked and he noded. He leaned in to give me a kiss on the lips. but of corse.....

"PDA PDA PDA!!!!!!" Louis shouted walking back into the room. Eleanor was walking behind him and she slaped him upside the head for being to loud. Oh i love this girl.

"Shut it Lou! My head hurts" Eleanor complained.

"Didnt you give her medicin Lou?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I couldnt find any" He said.

"Lou, there on the table" Naill said plainly. And sure enophe they were. Which earned him yet another slap upside the head from Eleanor.

"Really Lou?" She asked and walked over to the pills.

"Sorry?" he said even though it came out more as a question. Eleanor just rolled her eyess and took the pills. Then Danielle and Liam walked through the door. Great, more noise.

"Gess what, Gess what Gess whaaaat?" Danielle asked excitedly.

"Your having a boy?"

"Your having a girl?"

"Your babies an alian?" That question was from Louis which earned him another slap from Eleanor. Danielle just roleld her eyes.

"Even better!" Liam said.

"Tell us already!" I  shouted.

"We're having ..TWINS!" She shouted

"What?!" Me and Eleanor said. getting up to give both Liam and Danielel a hug.

"WAIT THERES TWO?!" Louis asked.

"No Lou, theres ten!" I tolled him and he just stuck his toung out at me.

"Thats awsome! congrats you guys!" I said.

"Do you guys know what the sex of the baby is?" Niall asked. Danielle and Liams smiles just grew even bigger.

"Ones a boy......." Danielle said.

"YES!!!! I'LL HAVE A NEW PARTER IN CRIME!!!" Louis shouted.

"Whats the other?" Eleanor asked.

"The other oneis a girl!" Liam said with a huge smile.

"HOW CUTE!" I shouted.

"Congrats you guys!" we all yelled and gave them a hug. Then Harry and Zayn walked in at the same time.

"Group hug!" They both yelled and came over to join our hug.

"Gess what?" Danielle asked both Harry and Zayn.

"What?" They said in usion.

"Were having twins" Danielle sang. And both Harry and Zayn gave Danielle a hug.

"Thats great" Harry exclaimes.

"Yup ones a girl, the other is a boy' Liam said which made Harry and Zayn smile.

"Thats awsome, congrats you guys, your going to be great sparents i just know it!" Zayn said and Harry noded. After we were all done talking about the baby, we sat down and watched a movie. But of corse...Louis got hiper during the middle of it..

"I WANA DO SOMETHING!!" Lous shouted slaming his fists on the ground he was siting on.

"Ok Lou thats enophe!" Liam said.

"What i'm bored" Louis said innocently.

"Go for a walk" i tolled him plainly.

"I want a dooog" Louis said.

"lou, we cant, Paul said no dog on tour!" Harry shouted which made him pout more.

"Oh but if i said i wanted a cat youd be up for it wouldnt you styles?" Louis complained like a child.

"Guys!" Liam yelled

"We can decide on something to do without aruing" Liam said. but Louis just crossed his arms.

"Something that we can all agree on.......'

"THE BEACH!'" I yelled.

"Yeah, lets do it!"

"I'm up for it"

"Woop Woop beach day!"

"PPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYY"!!!!!!!!!!! Louis yelled which caused us all to block our ears. Damn that boy is Loud. That just earned him another slap on his head from Eleanor. You go girl!

"I-i dont know, i'm really tired plus i went to the club yesterday which i really shouldnt have" Danielle said.

"Its ok babe, i'll stay with you" Liam said.

"NO!" I shouted and veryone turned to look at me.

"I meeaan we havnt had a girl day in a while. And we should invite Morgan and Ari, Itl be fun!" I said and Danielle and Eleanors faces lit up.


"Good idea"

"Then its settled' I said.

"What are we supose to do?" Zayn asked.

"Go to the beach .. duh" I said and tehy all rolled there eyes.

"Without the party girl?" Louis ased and pretended to cry.

"Yes..without me and the rest of the girls...you all will live, Go enjoy yourselves" I tolled them and they al shrugegd and went to get ready for the beach. While Danielle, Eleanor and i planned for our girls night out.


Another chapter!

I know i usually update once every wekend but i got bored so this is like what/..my third chapter this weekend? and if i finish my homework i will put up another chapter before the weekend is over......

Well, ENJOY!

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