Beach house >>

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Kylie's P.O.V

"WAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEE UPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!" I heard Louis yell in my ear.

"Really Lou, I could do without the screaming...."

"Na-ah" He said like a little kid. "If I didnt scream, you wouldnt have woken up" He said.

"Yea, but if you gently shook me, I might have" I tolled him and he stuck his toung out at me..Oh Lou he was so childish. I sat up on the couch as Louis sat down next to me. It was really quiet, too quiet. I looked around and no one was around.

"Lou, were is everyone?"

"Sleeping" Lou answered.

"Well, we need to get them up if they have to get ready for the beach house...." I said and Louis gave me an evil smile. Oh god, I was now scared.

"Ok Lou...say something, your scaring me now" I chuckled.

"I think I know a way to get them up......" Lou said. He tolled me to follow him to the kitchen and i did. He filled up a bucket of water and I noded knowing exactly what he was going to do.

"Ok, go get the girls up quietly so we dont make them suffer" Louis said and I noded and went to wake the girls. It was easy enophe once I tolled them what Louis was planing to do. We all went into the bunk room were Harry,Liam,Niall,and Zayn were sleeping. Louis splashed water all over four of the guys.


"MY HAIR" Zayn complained

"MY CURLS" Harry complained.

"Now Lou, was this really necassary" Liam complaned.

"Yes, yes it was" Louis said simply. The girls and I started cracking up.

"Time to get ready to go to the beach house guyss" I yelled and the boys chuckled at me

"Were gona paaaaartyy!" Daniell yelled causing each of us to laugh. Once I was done packing everything I needed which took me like twenty minuted, I sat down in the living room to watch t.v and after a while Niall was done to and Niall sat down next to me.

"Hey Nialler..h-hows your lip?" I asked.

"Still hurts..a lot put it will heel" He said and I noded.

"Niall, It dousnt look better at all" I tolled him and I grabed his chin and inspected his lip. I stared for a while and then my eyes traveled up his face untill i was staring in his eyes. But he was looking at my lips. He eventully looked back up in my eyes but then back down at my lips. He started to lean in. Oh god was he going to kiss me ...No...No...No He has a girlfriend...

"Hey Kyles do you have any..woohh......" Danielle walked in when we almost kissed. Yeah almost. We were so close but we got interupted. I looked over at Dani who was stairing at me with awe.

"Danielle...what did you want?" I asked before she could say anything.

"Oh..ah nothing" Dani and she walked out with a grin on her face. I turned back to look at Niall. He was just staring at the floor. He was thinking to hard.

"Nialler..whats wrong?' i asked.

"Look I'm sorry" He tolled me. "For what?" I asked.

"For...almost k-kissing you" He blushed.

"Probly wasnt the best thing to do when you have a girlfriend Niall" I said and walked out of the room.

"Wait what?" He asked. "I dont have a-"

"Save it Niall...Its ok" I tolled him and just walked into the bunkroom were the girls were. I honestly dont know what to think right now. If he has someone else why would he try to kiss me?

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