Daddy Styles?

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Kylies P.O.V

Niall and I ran home. My feet were killing me but I didnt care. If I didnt make it home now. Harry would be the one who was going to kill me. We were finally there and we ran up to the door. I stoped a minutes to catch my breath from running.

"Kylie...what do we tell them?" Niall asked.

"I dunno"

"We cant tell them were dating...can we?" I asked him. He looked down for a second to think about it and then looked right back up at me.

"No..I dont think we should Kyles" Niall said. and I sighed.

"Ok but we are going to have to find an excuse...."

"Just tell them we were at the beach watching fireworks...nothing it?" Niall asked and I noded my head yes. He kissed my forhead lightly and then made our way into the house. It was quiet and dark. I turned the hallway light on and looked over to the living room and saw all four boys sitting there stairing at me and Niall.

"Good evning Kylie, Niall" Harry said.

"Harry i-"

"Dont. Dont say anything. I dont want to hear any excuses....I want to hear the truth." Harry said and Niall and I noded and made ourway to the living room so we were now standing infront of the guys.

"Go on..lets hear your excuse".......Harry said. I couldnt help but feel a little hurt by this. I was planning on telling him the truth why would he think I wowuld Lie..

"Harry, Niall and I decided to stay and watch the fireworks" I tolled him.

"What fireworks?" He asked.

"The ones they have every friday night right before the carnival closed" Niall tolled him.

"I wasnt aware of any fireworks tonight" Harry said.

"Um mate, I think they are telling the truth, there are fireworks tonight" Liam tolled him and Harry shot him the most evilst look ever.

"Just because there were fireworks tonight doesnt mean thats were they were" Harry said.

"But Harry, I'm telling the truth" I tolled him. He didnt belive me.

"They ended an hour ago Kylie....what were you doing?" Harry tolled me as he raised his voice a little.

"Were is Danielle and Eleanor?" I asked.

"They went upstairs to talk and do whatever it is that girls do.." Louis yelled. I ran over to the edge of the stairs not going all the way up.

"Dani, Ell..can you girls come down here a minute please?" I asked them. Soon enophe I heard footsteps comming down the stairs and there appeared Eleanor and Danielle both in there pajamas.

"Hey Kylies, how were the fireworks?" Eleanor asked as she realized that the boys were infront of us.

"I-I mean how was the cotton candy you ate..why did it take so long for you to get back?" Eleanor said. I gess thats what she had tolled they boys while Nialler and I were at the beach. To be honest, she didnt sound verry convincing..

"Why dont you tell the boys what I was really doing..." I tolled her and she gave me a confused smile but then Caught on.

"Harry here doesnt belive me when I tolled  him were Niall and I were..."

"Oh thats easy, they were at the beach..watching fireworks..right Nialler?" Danielle ansked and Niall noded.

"See Harry, I was telling the truth..." I tolled him. I was really pissed that he didnt belive me at first.

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