as long as your ok

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** I know, i know. i havnt updated in a while. As you may or may not know, i'm only allowed on my computer on the weekends unless i need it for school. And i was away last weekend but i just got home today and i'm working on this chappie for you guys! And i'm going to be working on my other story tat i have been talking about but i dont know when i'm going to post it but yeah. So enjoy this super long chappie<3


Kylies POV

When we walked in we were all shocked. All of the boys injuries were terrible. Several Scratches and bruises were marked all over each boys body. There were all sleeping. very peacefully I might add. These do not look like the monsters I live with at home

I looked over at Harry. He had a small heart monitor next to his bed side to make sure he was ok. His curls were a mess and his green eyes were shut. His arm was in a cast.

Next to him was Louis. He looked the worst of the boys. His entire right arm was wrapped in a cast. His right leg was too. There was a cast around his neck and breathing tubes in his nose. The sight was a but frightening. Louis was always soo happy, seeing him like this just doesn't feel right.

Next to Louis was zayn He didn't look like he was to hurt. A few bruises and his arm was in a slug. His hair was a bit messy to but other than that..he was ok.

Next was Liam. He had a broken arm and a broken finger on the right side of his body. I could tell which side of the car got hit. His right eye is bruise too but he's going to be alright, i just know he is!

Last but not least, my baby leprechaun. He wasn't to injured, thank God! I don't know what I would do without him! Well, the same with all if the other boys but, get my point. He is the love of my life- wait ?..Love?....of my life? Do I mean that?...hmn anywho, Niall didn't look bad. A few bruises and his arm was in a cast. Im just verry thankful that there were no life threatening injuries

"oh Lou!" Eleanor cried and ran over to his bead side. I felt bad for Ele, her boyfriend was the worst injured of the boys.

"what happened"asked a sleepy voice, that I knew all to well. I turned around and there say my boyfriend sitting up in his bead. he looks so cute when he first wakes up.

"hey babe" I said as I sat down at the end of his bead.

"What happened? And why am I so hungry?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"you and the boys were in a car accident, your all ok thought,thankgoodness" I said and he nodes.

"so why am I so hungry?" He asked. I laughed.

"you problem havnt eaten since...last night?"

"LAST NIGHT???!?! He screamed causing Zany to stir in his sleep. I looked over at the girls. Because of Nialls outburst, they caught there attention. They raced over and supposed Niall in a hug.

"Nialll!!!!! OH thank god your ok" Danielle said

"Bloody hell i'm not" He yelled back. The girls looked scared for a second.

"Whats wrong?"

"I'M HUNGRY!" Niall yeled. I laughed.

"Oh for a second there Niall we thought you were dieing or something" Eleanor said.

"I am!!!!" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whats Niall hungry for now?"

"Yeah, you woke me up!"

"I need my beauty sleep"

"Who woke me up!, were am i?"....And the rest of the boys are up!

"HARRY!" I screamed and ran into his arms. He wraped his arms tight around my waits and picked me up on the bed and gave me a big welcomming hug.

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