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Guys..i know the last chappie wasnt verry long and i havnt updated in about two weeks but thanks for your pacience...its much apreciated....well enjoy this chapter i think your going to love it.




I heard my phone go off early the next morning. I looked over across the bed. Niall was still asleep. He looks so cute when hes asleep.




I heard my phone go off more. I groaned. If they need me bad enophe they will keep calling. And sure enophe...they did.




"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Kylie, oh thank goodness your awake" Liam said. I shot out of bed and became worried. He sounded stressed.

"Whats wrong Li?" Iasked imidiatly.

"The babies are comming" He said. I laughed a little.

'So you call me?...your girlfriend is going into labor and you call a sevteen year old girl for this because?..." I asked. I knew i was being difficult, i just found this situation amusing.

"Kylie, i trust you. Ok...what do i do?" He asked.

"Pack her a bag...and dont forget her shoes, make sure she has a jacket on, she may get cold and call the doctors on your way to the hospital. I will be there with the others as soon as i can..ok?" I asked.

"Ok..ok i got it" He said. still soundwing stressed.

"Oh yeah and Liam?"


"Good luck" I tolled him.

"Thanks Ky, your the best, see you later" He said. I hung up and jumped ontop of NIall.


"Uh..what do you want...i'm hungover" He said. I knew he was going to pull this card with me.

'Danies going into labor, we have to be there for them, lets get dressed and goo go gooooo" I screamed. He got out of bed...verry slowly...but he still did it. He got ready so he looked presentable...and so did I. After we were done, we got into the car and called everyone else to meet us atthe hospital. We got there within 15 minutes. and we rushed up to the second floor and into the waiting room. We had to wait...of corse. After five minutes of waiting, Zayn, Harry, Louis and Eleanor all came in.

"Hi gonna be an uncle!!!" Louis greeted me with a hug of excitment. "And the best one too" I said and he smiled.

"Heyyy!" Harry,Niall and Zayn said. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Ell!" I sad. She was being really quiet for somereason. Hmmm.

"Hey Ky" She said as she gave me a hug.

"Soo how long have you guys been waiting here?" Zayn asked.

"mm...only about five  minutes...they have been in there for a while now" I said. They noded.

"I'm sooo excited...I'm gonna be an uncle, who would have thought that out of all of us, Liam would have been the one who knocked up his girlfriend" Harry said. I laughed.

"Well, Hazz they 'it' a lot...anything could have happened" I tolled him and he gigled.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained. I rolled my eyes and gave him a dollor 'Here, go find a vending machine and get yourself some food" I tolled him. His eyes lit up as he made his way out of the room.

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