My secret date with Nialler

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Kylies P.O.V

I made my way up the stairs to gte ready only to bump into Niall."Hello beautiful" He said. I looked down at what he was wering. His usuall polo and hightop sneakers. He looked soo hot.

"Urm, earth to Kylie, are you still there?" Niall asked snaping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry" I said nervously.

"Right, so why dont you go get ready..I'm taking you somewere special" He tolled me. I noded and ran up the rest of the stairs to get ready. I ran to the closet. what to wear, what to wear...? No, No, Nooo. i thought to myself while trying t pick out my favorite outfit. I looked through it and in the verry back I found a blue lacy sundress. It was perfect! I quickly put it on. Then I fixed my hair and put it in a simple ponytail. I put on mascara and eyeliner. giving myself a simple and natural look. I quickly looked in the mirror and I was verry happy with the way I looked. I made my way back downstairs and saw that Niall was talking to Liam at the end of the stairs.

"Hey guys" I said.

"You look beautiful Kylie" Niall tolled me. I blushed.

"Thanks" I tolled him as he pulled me into a hug. I looked around and I saw nobody was here.

"Um Li, were is everybody?" I asked.

"They all went out to the beach bord walk" He tolled me and i noded.

"Alright, lets go!" Niall said.

"Bye Li" I tolled him and he waved as we made our way out the door.

"Sooo were are we going?" I asked.

"I cant tell you..Its a suprise"

"Come on Niall"

"Its a short walk stop complaining" He tolled me as he kissed my cheek. I pouted.

"Can I atleast have a piggy back ride?" I asked him and he agreed. I climed up on his nack and we walked that way to....werever it is were going. Knowing Niall it was probly going to be somewere romantic and beautiful. But then again knowing Niall, he would do something unexpected so....I dont know really what to expect.

"Are we almost there?" I complained.

"Almost just be pacient love" He tolled me and I sighed. We walked about five more minutes before we were finally there.

"Is this it?!!!" I asked. Niall laughed at me.

"Yes it is" He said while puting me down. I looked around at the scenery. It was a small park. and In the back it had a small beautifull little beach. It was sooo cute.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I noded and jumped on him wraping my legs around him. "Its perfect Nialler" I tolled him and pecked his lips.

"But not as perfect as you" He said. I smiled. Once he put me down, I ran to the beach.

"Tag your it!!" I yelled as i lighty touched Nialls arm.

"Hey, no fair!" He yelled chasing after me. I ran to the beached and stoped right beore my toes hit the water. I looked out at the ocean infront of me. It looked so beautiful . Niall came up from behind me and wraped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I turned my head and looked at him.

"Its beautifull" I wispered.

"Yes you are" He said and kissed my lips. His lips. His lips tasted like maple syrup and toothpast. I mentally rolled my eyes. Our lips moved in sync. I turned around to face him while he continued to kiss me. He sat down on the wet sand and continued to kiss eachother. His lips ran across my bottom lip begging for entrance and I teased him a bit not alowing him in. He smiled into the kiss knowing exactly what I was doing. I eventully let him in. We continued to kiss just like that for a while. It was really nice. Then he brought his lips down to my neck and started sucking on my sweet spot. I let out a slow moan and I felt Niall smile. Before stoping he light ly pecked my lips and then pulled away, to soon for my liking. I pouted and Niall just chuckled at me.

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