she will be mine ch16

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ch16!!!!! i know i kept u guys waiting and im really sry but i hope you love this nxt chap!!!!

with love


P.S. votes, comments, feedback, new fans are always welcome!!! :D

Chapter 16

"Morning, girlies! We come bearing gifts!"

Everyone turned to see Logan, Kyle, Matt and Ryan walking through the dining to the kitchen. Everyone had gotten up on time this morning because Gem was making here scrumptious pancakes. The Guys had requested chocolate chips so Gem sent them out to the store to pick some up. I found it strange that the O' Brian's had the pantry piled high with every kind of food imaginable, but they didn't have something as mundane as chocolate chips. Logan tosses the bag to Gem who managed to catch it without looking at him.

"Hey guys, check out today's headline." Matt said as he placed the paper on the counter for every one to see. On the front page was a black and white picture of a girl who looked extremely familiar. Without pausing to think I grabbed the paper and stared. transfixed at the picture. Oh my god... It was Tawny.

"What's up, Mikki?" Jazz asked from her perch by the coffee maker, her second cup in her hand. "Your look like you've seen a ghost. Your face is pale."

I swallowed before answering. "A girl was just found dead this morning. The police said that she was... Murdered."

"Holy shit!" Kyle yelled, placing a hand on Jazz's thigh. "A murder? Here?"

I nodded.

"Read it out loud, Mik." Joley said, her voice a mere husky whisper.

I looked down at the article and began to read.

Local Girl Brutally Murdered

Nineteen year old Tawny Wright was found dead on her bed, in her apartment on Market Street early this morning. Her roommate, Carry Hilson, came into the apartment they shared in the early hours of the morning. She claimed to have found her lying on the bed, wearing nothing but her undergarments. A source from the Lakeport Police Department stated that Ms. Wright was stabbed nearly six times. Twice in the stomach and four times in the chest. The medical examiner confirmed that the ones in the stomach were made first, probably the killer's means of subduing the victim, then they proceeded to stabbing repeatedly at the chest.

The murder weapon was a knife found in the victim's kitchen sink. The knife matches the set found in the victim's apartment. No fingerprints were recovered from the scene, which mean's that the killer is still unknown. A statement issued by Sheriff Lockwood to the Lakeport Times advises all young folk to take care when alone at night because the killer could be anyone, at this point. Her roommate told the Times that Ms. Wright wasn't the type to bring men home to the apartment very often. This proclamation tells the police that the killer in question appeared to be charming and good looking. Someone the victim would trust easily.

This is the first reported homicide for the Lakeport county in almost 100 years. The shock this killing has inspired is tumultuous for all inhabitants in our small, closely-knit community. The citizens of this community, the local law enforcement, and the girl's parents want to make sure that this monster is caught for the good of the town and the people living here. If any one has any information regarding this homicide, please contact the local law enforcement immediately.

When I had finished reading, I was greeted by a shocked silence. No one spoke, no one moved, no one dared to even breathe. My chest constricted painfully as I stared down at Tawny's picture. Her one alive face gleaming with her charisma and kindness. The poor girl. She didn't deserve to die like she had. No one deserved to die like she had. With the exception of her killer that is. I hope that he will pay for what he did.

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