she will be mine ch22

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heyy readers... Ch22 is HEREEEEEE!!!!!!

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with love


Chapter 22

My eyes flew open and I gasped. Cam was leaning over me, concern etched plainly over his face. Gem, Logan and Ryan were there also. Ryan looked panic stricken. The poor dear. Wait, what happened? Why do they look so freaked? I wiggled my body uncomfortably under their stares and realized two things. One, I was no longer standing, I was on Cam's lap on the ground. I could feel his strong, warm arms encircling me securely. It felt so good. Two, I had just fainted.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice sounding groggy to even my ears.

Cam and Ryan looked at each other before answering me. "You just sorta fell." Ryan said. "It was weird, one second we were laughing at Damon and Marnie, the next you were paler than death himself and you collapsed. It was lucky Cam was next to you or you would be a hell of a lot sorer when you woke up. He caught you."

I looked at Cam and he smiled at me weakly. "Do you remember anything that might have caused you to pass out?" He asked.

I snorted internally. Always the little (Well, humungous actually... Hehe) detective. He would make a very good one, one day. Okay, think. What did he ask me? I frowned as I tried to remember. "What Damon said, something about loving the chase caused me to day dream about you chasing me through the woods but... It changed. It wasn't fun anymore, it was scary." I gasped as I remembered. "It was my dream. The dream I had last night, it changed into that."

Ryan and Cam exchanged a look of confusion. "What dream, Mik?" Ryan asked.

That's right, I never told them about it. I shivered convulsively in Cam's arms. Suddenly cold with fear. "Last night I had a nightmare. I was walking in the woods. The night was warm and pleasant. Owls were hooting, bugs were chirping then there was nothing. The sound just stopped and then everything turned cold. I heard someone behind me but every time I turned, there was nothing there. Then someone laughed, it was cold, evil. Then I heard a scream. Someone, a girl, was screaming for me to help her so I ran. I ended up in a camp with cabins and buildings. There were words written on them, I don't remember what though. Then there were the whispers. Things were in the mist that surrounded me but I could see anything, I could only hear and imagine."

"Once I was there, I had no control over my body. I couldn't stop or turn or run. All I could do was walk forward. There was blood on the walls of some of the cabins. I entered one and then..." I frowned. "I don't remember what happened after that." I looked up at Cam to find that he was not looking at me at all. I followed his gaze to our little audience. Ryan's mouth was slightly open, astonishment and confusion etched on his face. Gem had a similar look, mixed with fear. Logan... I frowned. His face was completely blank. No emotion at all what so ever. Not even shock. Weird. I shrugged and looked at back at Cam and gasped. He wouldn't meet my eyes but I could feel emotion coming off him in waves. Horror, shame, fear, worry, then finally... Self hatred.

'What's wrong?' I asked him.

I heard him sigh in my head. 'I couldn't reach you. When you fainted I couldn't enter your mind.'

I snorted. 'Of course you couldn't, Cam. I wasn't conscious.'

I got the impression of a shake of his head. 'When people are asleep, I can still enter their minds, cause dreams, stop dream, influence them. The same thing when people pass out, but just now, with you, I hit a barrier. I was completely blocked from your mind, Mikki. I couldn't help you.' He sounded so hurt and ashamed that I gave into my impulse to huge him. My arms encircled his neck as I pulled him to me, fingers digging into his expresso hair. For a moment he didn't move, then he tightened his arms, holding me to him as if he never wanted to let go.

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