she will be mine ch23

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here you go guys!! thanks for asking me to continue... i really felt upset when only 20 ppl read my last chapter and thought that ppl must be tired of it or something (shrug) so i decided to ask if you wanted me to continue. 9 ppl said yes and thats good enough for me. thank u:




XONightmareCookieXO (2x)

kamillasrl (2x)





i never would hav continued without ur support!!!! Enjoy!!!

Chapter 23


I started, so shocked that I almost forgot I was supposed to be hiding and gasped aloud. He said no? He doesn't want her? I was to astonished for words. I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, I could only feel. With that one little word, I felt my heart mend instantly and swell to an enormous size. I was elated, I was overjoyed. Sensations flew over my skin, tiny thrills of pleasure that that one little word that changed so much for me.

"No?" Joley gasped, shock etched on her face. "What do you mean? Why not?"

I heard Cam chuckle before he answered her. "Because I'm in love with, Mikki."

HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! Was he fecking serious? Cam, as in, Cameron Thorne was in love with me? If my heart swelled any more, it would burst right through my skin. Wave after wave of joy crashed into me with the ferocity of a raging storm. I was high on the euphoria his word brought me. I couldn't believe it. He chose me. Me over Joley. Me over Jazz (Not that she'd leave Kyle). ME over everyone! Cam, the very picture of bad boy heaven, had chosen me, the shy, modest girl next door. I mean, I know that is always happening in books and movies, but in real life it's as rare and wonderful as a blue moon.

Joley's mouth dropped at his response. "Mikki? Why?"

I heard the smile in Cam's voice as he answered. "I find her quite interesting."

I smiled myself at that. I interested him. It was the reply he gave me when I accused him of stalking me the day we met. I remember when he said it, I was completely speechless. I still don't exactly know what one says to a response like that.

My eyes narrowed as Joley let out a derisive snort. "Yeah, she's really interesting. I'm sure you only think so because she never talks. Once you get to know her though, you'll know how truly boring she is."

Ouch! Didn't see that one coming... Since when am I boring? I mean, I know I'm not the most social of creatures but I never thought I was actually 'boring.' Hmm, just goes to show what people say behind you back.

"Well, that's your opinion, but it's most definitely not mine." Cam said, a slight edge to his voice.

"Why don't you want me?" She whined. Now that's attractive, I thought.

"I already told you, I'm with Mikki, but the whining comes in a close second though." He replied.

With a final cry of frustration Joley stomped away, back in the direction of the camp site. I smiled as I watched her go. I guess you win some, you lose some, but I was extremely glade she lost in this case.

'Okay, baby I'm on my way.' He said in my head.

I smiled, I couldn't wait to see him. Would he tell me that he loved me while we went swimming? God, I hoped so! I wanted to hear the words on those decadent lips of his. I made my way back to the camp, taking extra care to make sure Cam didn't see me and suspect that I was spying on him.

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