My Guardian Angel

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My name is Tabitha. I'm colorblind. I have never seen any color until that day of school.

You see, I wear glasses because I'm nearly blind without them. But even then it's hard to tell if I see color in the midst of grey and black and white.

For as long as I have known, I have always been colorblind. My dad disappeared when I was young. My mom has always claimed that he was in a car accident. A little while ago I did some digging and found the records. It wasn't a car accicient, but the death records hidden in the attic the cause of death says suicide. I guess she never wanted me to know that my dad had killed himself because he wanted to.

In some ways I'm kind of glad she did. But deep down, I don't believe he committed suicide. They never found the body and don't know exactly how. But based on the fact that my mom, the last person who saw him, said that he didn't take any food or water with him. He wouldn't have lived 3 days, and he was missing for more than that. The police made a death record and put suicide, because they say that's what some people do. Then they forgot about us.

Soon after my mom died from grief. I live all alone now, but I'm content with it. I will admit, seeing color would be a little easier than the greyscale surrounding me 24/7. But I make do.

Got off track didn't I? Sorry bout that. Anywho, I'm almost done with school and the authorities can get off my back. I have become a pro at my parents signature, and I have used the excuse that they are both in the hospital due to complications.

My teachers are more gullible than you might think.

But one day we get a transfer student. We get this all the time but this person was different. She was full of color. Her name is Maroi. Never heard of a name as unique. But here's the thing that was very weird.

She wanted to be friends. With me.

No one wants that. Especially not with me.

But she is very persistent. Admirerable considering I had told her countless times that I was not looking for a friend. My goal to stay low in the radar was tarnished.

All because of Maroi.

But a few months went by and I eventually warmed up to her a little. She was actually pretty funny at times, but there were also times where you didn't know if she was serious or not.

But then she confessed to me one day that she was my guardian angel sent to protect me. At first I didn't believe her. She said she could prove it.

And boy she did.

First there were assassins trying to get me because my parents owened them money. Maroi protected me. There was another time where there was a dog that had rabies, and Maroi put herself between the dog and me, making her fall deathly sick. It was then my turn to become a guardian angel.

"You must become a guardian angel." She told me.

"But how." I asked her.

"Like this." She took off a ring she always wore. Maroi then out it on my finger. "Wear that for 24 hours. Then you'll be immortal."

At first I was having a hard time fathoming what she was saying. Being immortal was always one of those things in supernatural that was looked upon as Impossible. But with her anything was possible.

I won't lie, it is tough. There are times where I miss Maroi. Sweet, brave, Maroi who sacrificed herself to save me because she knew I didn't have the money.

I can only hope I will do the same. If I fail, that ends with punishment worse than death.

I remember gulping when I read that part.

But I mean it all worked out pretty well. I was a guardian for a few people before my immortal life form was beginning to crack.

I'm on my deathbed besides an old man who I have become very fond of. He is now a guardian angel. This is Tabitha signing off.

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