Mismatched Minds

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A/N: I was cleaning my room and found some old prompts and I figured I would just post them here because why not?
There was a flapper who got requested to dance at the "Party of the Future", but she was only given a location and a password. She shrugged knowing she would eventually find her way there

'What is this place?' she thought as she came to a ramshackle building. Smashed windows were dirty, the porch was sagging, and she was pretty sure she saw a few rats. Just your ideal place for a party. She looked at the address again but she was already at the right place. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"The flapper you requested for the party."

"The password?"

"Party like it's 3025"

Suddenly something happened. Her vision lit into flames. She coudn't hear anything. She felt as if she might be sick. But just as quickly as it came it went away. She discovered she was she wasn't standing in front of a door anymore. Instead of the image she ain't seen just a few moments ago she said that she was at a party. She saw aliens with glitzy colors that was only seen on the black and white television screens at movie theaters. There were half human people with things for arms and legs that look like suspiciously like wires and slabs of metal. She also saw a round sliver ball that looked like the behind-the-scene things at home in Hollywood. They were flashing different colors and moving weirdly. One thing was for certain: she wasn't in 1926 anymore.

She decided to ask one of the more normal human-metal beings for help."Where are we?"

"The party of the future." He seemed bored, like he saw this every day.

The future...no! Time travel was impossible. "What year is it?"


The password, she thought, must have brought her here. "Do you know how to get out? I shouldn't be here."

"You'll have to take that up with the boss of this place. He'll know the answer. Probably."

"How do I know where to find him?"

"You'll know when you see him."

On that unhelpful note the flapper walked around for a few minutes and questioning a few more people about how to get out but hey weren't any more helpful. It was official. She was trapped in time.

The party went on for a few more  hours. I didn't eat or drink anything out if fear it was spiked. Don't blame her, it was the future after all.

She was about to go and figure out where the boss was  but a voice stopped me. A gruff one, the same voice that answered the door. She didn't know how but she knew that was the boss.

"We have someone who immerses themselves into the 1920s, living and acting like it is still that time. We have a flapper here with us tonight. Can she please join us?"

Nobody else moved so I assumed he was talking about me. Slowly I walked up to the stage still feeling uncomfortable with all the stares. A song turned on one that I, thankfully, knew.

The flapper danced until she couldn't dance anymore. People clapped to the beat. This was the moment that was addicting. When others start to like the dance you don't want to stop them from being happy. Unfortunately all good things come to an end at one point.

She went behind the curtain. The thunderous applause was still ringing in her ears but she smiled.

"You did well." A gruff voice said. "And you will get a reward."


"You can go back home. Make sure you use your talent. People like it." With a snap of his fingers she was whisked back to the sagging house.

She headed home thinking about the party. Even though she wouldn't be alive for it she figured she would enjoy it. Maybe the future wasn't so bad as she thought.

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