The Grand Canyon

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Many people state that our world's most recognizable landmarks were created by erosion and weather and other science. But what if you were told that the Grand Canyon was created by the worst heartbreak the world has ever seen?

It is quite a tragic story really. The first time I heard of it I broke down in tears. Nobody should ever have to go through what Pippa and Ernest did.

Pippa was seeing someone else at the time when she met Ernest. She and her boyfriend had a date at the local coffee shop. The set time was 6:15 pm.

6:15 became 6:30...which became 6:45...which soon became 7:00. The waitress came around just as an unfamiliar boy with rainbow hair slid into the seat across from her.

"My name's Ernest, just go with it. Whoever didn't show up tonight was a real jerk."

Pippa smiled a real smile for the first time that night. She found it sweet that this boy, a stranger, would do something like this for her, despite not even knowing her name.

And then they talked for hours on random topics. Their hopes and dreams, fears and doubts. About how all water tastes different. About their travels. About which colleges they were going to in one week time. They talked as the dawn approached them, promising to see each other every semester.

The next dad, Pippa's boyfriend broke up with her. Many people had been expecting this, including Pippa, so it didn't come as a surprise. But now she could date Ernest if she wanted.

The first semester came and went. Pippa waited at the same table she had when they first met. Ernest arrived right on time. The two, like before, spent hours talking about random topics that wouldn't make sense to anyone else.

And so it continued. At the final night of the end of four years they are still at the same table as before. Despite seeing each other the atmosphere was grim, like something bad was about to happen. Throughout the whole dinner Ernest was quiet and less talkative than usual. But it wasn't until they received the check he broke.

"I have brain cancer, Pippa. I'm going to die. They gave me a year to live."

Pipa's world seemed to slow down. Everything become reduced to a soft whisper. The utensils clinked quieter, voices became hushed, and breaths slowed. Pippa swallowed.

The sobs escaped her within seconds. She became so loud Ernest had to usher her out to the car. It started to rain, but no matter how much it poured Pippa cried more tears than the clouds. They stood in the rain hugging each other and getting more soaked by the minute.

For a minute or an hour they stood there wrapped in each other's arms. The ground moved ever so slightly. That was the first crack of the grand canyon.

Whenever her phone chimed after that she would always be frantic that it would be the call telling her that her nightmare came to life. One day she got a call from an unknown number. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Pippa?" a voice said, most likely belonging to a little girl.

Pippa perked up. "Yes?"

"Ernest is slowly dying. If you want to say goodbye you should come now."

The screen cracked as the phone hit the door. Fumbling with the keys Pippa frantically ran to her car. She couldn't be late. She had to say goodbye.

She burned through the highway going well over the speed limit and nearly getting into an accident a few times. Her face shone with sweat than ran into her eyes. It was 3:43 in the morning. She ran to his room, not caring if she got caught by security. All she had to do was say goodbye. If she did that she would be okay.

"451, 451." Pippa mumbled to herself so she wouldn't forget. She was about to burst through the door when she saw Ernest's little sister crying with her head in her hands.

"Please no." Pippa whispered to herself but then heard words that put her in the same position.

"Time if death, 3:52."

That was all it took for Pippa to collapse. She was too late. The only person she truly loved was dead and she was too late. She didn't say goodbye. Pippa joined the girl on the floor.

No matter how strong the urge was the tears wouldn't come, like they had already been cried. The nurses rolled Ernest out and she caught a glimpse of him. It was only for a second but she knew what she saw.

His rainbow hair was as bright as ever. His blue eyes that sparkled brighter than the stars would be no more. His billion-dollar smile would never come back. He was gone. And he wasn't coming back.

The tears didn't come until Pippa was in her car. Her Frey orbs were the color of thunderclouds and lightning danced in her eyes. A rainstorm had sprouted in her eyes and she knew it wasn't leaving anytime soon.

When she stumbled into bed she hated there unable to close with the never-ending storm. When she dozed off a dead body would brand her and she would be wide awake.

This continued until the funeral, circles under her eyes. As she arrived she felt like crying all over again. when she saw him in the coffin she noticed that his hair seemed duller than before. His suit looked as if it was made for this occasion. Ernest looked peaceful and serene as if he was sleeping.

As the funeral ended Ernest was rolled down the asile. Pippa whispered the word she never got to tell him.

"Goodbye," she said, and the grand canyon formed.

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