A Mermaid's Song

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I was scrolling through Pinterest and saw this and thought it was interesting. 🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚

My 18th birthday is tomorrow. I should be glad to become an adult, but I'm not. In the ship my father is a part of, they throw woman overboard. I don't know the exact reason except they think it's bad luck. They host a big party and then throw the poor woman overboard.

I am trying to think of how I can avoid this. I can escape, but I would drown if a storm hit me in the process. I could also fake my own death but then I would have to steal a rowboat, which could end like the first option.

I know that when I wake up I will be tied to a post for the whole ship to see. Because of this I put on a pair of ripped cargo pants and a black blouse. My strawberry blonde hair cascades down my back in waves. I wear my boots too. If I can't sleep, at least I'll be warm in the moments leading up to my death. I close my eyes as I wait for the ropes to be tied around my ankles and wrists.

I wake up for what seems five minutes later. Sure enough, I am tied to a post with everyone surrounding me. I look to the little girls being hustled to the other cabin. They don't deserve to know thier fate that young.

The party continues. Some men are getting so drunk it's a miracle that they haven't passed out. But the captain at least has the decency to only drink a bottle before disposing me into the ocean.

The time finnaly comes for me to die. The ropes around my torso are cut and I free fall to the net below me. They untie my wrists and carry me to the plank.

The captain makes a short speech about why we do this. I am then thrown overboard. I flail my arms but I touch nothing but thin air.

I hit the surface with a hard splash. My hair flows around me. I try to untie the knotted rope but it doesn't give. I am beginning to lose my breath.

But then I try to breathe. I still get water up my nose, but not as much as I usually got when I would go swimming. I breathe again and less water goes up my nose. Soon, I can breathe normally without water going up my nose.

I look down for the first time and am appalled. I don't have legs anymore. I have a tail. It is dark blue, like my cargo pants. The bikini top I have on is a shimmery black. I wiggle my tail and I go up.

I swim forward. I get the hang of this surprisingly quickly. When I feel as if I am good enough with swimming, I see another mermaid in the distance.

She has a pink tail and a blue top. Her black braids billow around her. I recognize her from last year when she had her party. But I never knew her name.

"I'm Misty. I see you have been thrown off the ship, yes?"


"Well your just in time. Tonight, we will sing and lure the sailors to thier deaths for revenge. We'll teach you."

I grin. In attempt to kill us we might as well kill them for real.
The waters are murky as we swim to the surface. I can hear the music on the ship, the sound waves traveling through the ocean. I glance at Misty, who wears the expression of a phyco. She opens her mouth.

The moment she does I see sailors looking over the edge. Thier eyes look drugged and glossy. One falls to the edge. Two mermaids swim to him and push him below.

I open my mouth and sing the tune they taught me not long ago. Surprisingly, my voice comes out as somewhat okay, and I see more sailors come to the edge. Two fall in. Four mermaids go after them this time. They're gone so fast you can't see the air bubbles.

One by one, everyone on the ship is overboard and drowned. We set on our next task: sinking the ship.

We make a few holes at the bottom. Soon, the ship fills with seawater and sinks. We move it closer to the kingdom so we can have one part where we can go to for meetings and such.

This won't happen again. I was the last mermaid they ever tried to kill. We have gotten our revenge. We can rest now.

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