The Achievement

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I gasp, the pain finally being over. The nurses put a baby boy on my stomach. After many months of pain and sacrifice, my first child was born. Tears run down my face as I embrace my newborn son, wondering how I could create something so beautiful.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a glowing light. I expect the achievement to say Have your first baby or have your first son but I see something startlingly different.

Meet the person who will eventually kill you.

I look down at the little body. How can something so pure kill me? Will I do something to anger him in the future? Or will we become sworn enemies? All I know is that I don't know if I want to find out.


I don't know what the achievement was talking about. My son has given me comfort in my dying days. With the limited time I have left, I have found myself thinking about the achievement I earned so many years ago. It must be coming soon. If the cancer doesn't kill me, he will. But maybe death isn't so bad as everyone thinks it is.

The door opens to reveal my son with a bouquet or roses. Even as we both know I'm dying, he still manages to be smiling.

"I'm going to say something something that you might be hesitant to do. But promise me that you'll do what I'm about to ask you." I say.

"What is the promise, mom?" He asks.

"Just promise me."

He swallows. "I promise."

"Take me off the ventilator."

His eyes grow wide and hugs me tight."No. No you have to fight. You're the strongest person I know. You'll make it through this." That's when I hear him sniffle.

I take his face in my hands. "Hey, it's okay. I'd rather die than suffer at the hands of death's waiting game. Please do this for me."

My son's teary eyes look back at me. After all these years I finally know what the achievement means. As he pulls the plug, I die holding his hands. But now for the first time in years I feel certain.

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