School for the Supernatural

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Ever since I was young, I would take these blue pills to support my weak immune system

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Ever since I was young, I would take these blue pills to support my weak immune system. At least that was what I've always been told.

Last year, I stopped taking the pill for a week, just to see what would happen. I did it for that simple reason. If something bad happened, we lived away from one of the best hospitals in the country. I'd be okay no matter what.

On the first day, I was playing basketball. I started to think about the Vampire Diaries and how it would be if I were a vampire. I then felt something in my mouth start to grow into a point. My tounge ran over it. That is the day I discovered I could turn into a vampire.

On the second day, I went to the woods where nobody could see me. I decided to see how many beings I could shape-shift into. I thought of the Sphinx, a Shade, and Cerberus. I was able to turn into all of them. But what I didn't know is that someone was watching me.

While I had just turned into an centuar, I heard something clap. Immeadiantly I turn my head around and I see another girl with midnight blue hair and dressed in all black. She is grinning. I see fangs.

"I have been watching you all your life. I wondered when you would find out." She says.

"W-Who are you?" I sutter.

The girl chuckles. "How rude of me, I apologise. My name is Amaya. I work on recruiting people to go the school of the Supernatural. Even I can't place exactly who you are, but you are definitely supernatural," Amaya tells me, handing me a letter. "In there is what you need to do for the school year. I will visit you on Friday. I will need your decision then. Amaya turns into a bat and flies away.

I tear open the letter, reading the contents inside.

Dear Clem Grove,

You have been accepted into the School of the Supernatural. It starts in five days, so be ready.

It then continues into everything we need for the school year. Now I just needed to convince my caregiver.

It was quite simple actually. She doesn't pay attention to me or any of the other kids she's taken under her wing. The key is to wait when she's having her happy hour, because that is when she allows herself to be above the legal alcohal limit. She doesn't even know what anyone is telling her. So when I popped the question she told me yes.

And that is how I ended up at the train station with Amaya. We would board on the last compartment filled with other supernatural people like me. We technically weren't supposed to tell anyone who were truly were, but some were pretty obvious.

Nobody could guess me. I suppose I was one of the most normal-looking people there, besides the witches. As I glance into the halls, I see chaos. A few unknown stains in the carpet that are bubbling, a few magic spells being casted in the air, and a pink frog-don't ask.

I felt at home.

While I was comfortably reading in the booth I hear the loudspeaker come on.

Students, please change into your chosen uniforms for we will be at the School for the Supernatural in ten minutes.

I grab my uniform-which consisted of black leggings and a red tank top- and quickly change. The bathrooms will be downright crowded and I will be late to grab my stuff.

I start to see a structure that looks like it came out of Hogwarts. It has the same feel- like something magical is about to happen.

We clammer out of the train, all holding backpacks. There are arrows pointing us for where we need to go. For example werewolves go east, sirens go to the lake, and shades go through the hole in the ground. I look around, but I don't find any signs for shapeshifters. Leaves fall and I look up to see Amaya. She motions for me to climb up.

"You are the first shapeshifter here in a century. They gave up hope on all shapeshifters comming here. Make them see that you are the first one here that stands a chance." She tells me. I nod, knowing I have to give it my all.

Tommorow after breakfast I head into the main wing where we get separated into our groups by the teachers guessing what we are. This'll be fun.

I see many other boys and girls my age dressed like me. Some have wings. Others have fur. Some have big muscles in which thier clothes are stretching to conceal. I just look like another girl with brown hair.

A boy steps in front of everyone. He has pink hair and is just as skinny as he is tall. He puts his hands over the floor, as if seeing what temperature it is. A rumble echos throughout the room and he turns into a dog as black as the shadows. A Black Dog, an evil spirit who lurks the streets at night.

Another boy steps into the ring. His muscles are bulging under his clothing. A car comes out of nowhere and he catches it with one arm. He then breaks it in half. An ogre.

A girl is then called. She looks normal except for her pointy ears. She goes to the weapons rack and pulls out a bow and three arrows. She runs about 50 feet away from the target before she latches one and shoots. Bullseye. She shoots the other arrow which goes through the first one. But the girl doesn't use the bow for the last arrow. Instead, she throws the bow to the ground and touches the arrow. A blue wisp comes out of her fingers. Her hand lets go of it and let's it levitate in the air. An elf. They excel in magic and archery.

And on and on it continues. They call a name and the person demonstrates what they are and we guess what they are. My name gets called.

I step into the plate and take a deep breath. I turn into a Black Dog and snarl. Then I transition into an ogre and lift up two students with a terrified look in their eyes. I feel my ears turning point and I grab an arrow and chuck it at the target. Bulls eye. I do this with every creature I know, ending with Orthros.

I then transformation back into myself. Everyone in the audience has donned looks of confusion, terror and amazement. I eye the headmaster.

"My name is Clem Grove and I am a shapeshifter."

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