"why would you do this?"

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Dashiell walks out of the store next to his mother with his new phone tucked into The swinging bag hanging by his side. It was the newest phone released, as a late birthday gift. He needs a new one and it was the perfect time. He couldn't wait to start playing with it and showing off the new gadgets included to the cool kids at his school.

Being the tech wiz in the family setting up a phone proved to be easy. It wasn't long before he was lying on his bed playing fortnite, his homework sat forgotten on his desk.

his new phone soon became his life. He would sneak in screen time anytime he could in class. The teacher has warned him multiple times about the consequences but they were never carried out. Dashiell  was getting worried about himself too but he couldn't get enough of his phone. It was his drug.

under particular day he got text message from an unknown number. The fact that somebody he didn't know how is numbered in confusing as much as the actual text itself which was a weird way of greeting someone.

Everyday without you is harder and harder, mom. The kids at school won't leave me alone. They already poured milk on my head. Based on the smell I'm pretty sure it was spoiled. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Maybe one day I can be with you in heaven.

Dashiell read it once. Then twice. And even know time after that. He racked his brain for anyone who would lost their mom but nothing came up. He didn't think it would be best to text back "sry, wrong number man" So he didn't text back at all. whether hat was a mistake or not he couldn't decide at the moment.
They did something else to me today. In metal class they threw shards at me and I bleed. I didn't go to the nurse because they threatened they would kill me if I told anyone. I'll be with you soon.

Dashiell sucked in a breath and got to work. He plugged his computer wire into his phone and enter the code. The words Pineland Heights came up. Pineland Heights was the next district over and Dashiell thought of it as a place where a bunch of snobby rich kids lived. He could bike there and back before dark if he really want to. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he might actually have to put his plan into action and much sooner than he might realize.

Weeks passed and Dashiell hadn't gotten any new texts. The unknown number saying to the bottom of his contact list. He forgot about the texts for a while, like they never even existed. It wasn't until he was coming back from a party that he realized he had gone to new texts, both dated from earlier today.

I really think I'm going to do it. At our special place on the rocks, sometime early tomorrow morning, like 12-3. I'll see you soon.

The other text was something even more chilling.

Get ready. I'm coming.

Dashiell peddled to the park knowing it was the only place that had rocks of some sort. He picked the furthest trail available knowing it would lead to a hill with a fatal fall. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, his phone being his only source of light.

By the time Dashiell got to the top the moon had broken out of it's cloud prison. The moonlight enabled Dashiell to see a scrawney boy in a green and white shirt with a head that needed a haircut. He couldn't be older than him. Dashiell couldn't believe it. This was the boy behind the texts.

Dashiell's mouth moved without consent. "Why would you do this?"

The turned around with fearful eyes. "Why did you follow me?"

Dashiell handed the boy his phone. "Did you tell anyone."

The boy shook his head. "All that matters is that I will finnally be at peace with my mother. I won't have to worry about the jerks at school who sprinkle sawdust on my food. The most important thing is that I'll be with people who care."

"There has to be someone who does."

"There isn't."

"I do. I proved that by coming here, didn't I?"

The boy runs his fingers through his shirt. "We don't even live in the same town. Life won't change. The kids at the orphanage aren't any better."

Dashiell's heart sank. His family normally wasn't very accepting or welcommingof outsiders. But the boy didn't have anywhere else to go. His lips moved again without realizing.

"What if you came to live with my family?"

The boy chuckled. "I can't go around owning debts to people. Besides, you've already made me feel better."


The boy smiled. "By coming. You stopped me."

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