26. Father

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The ride back to our balloon and our ride to the next town over where my father lived was uneventful enough that it isn't worth recounting. We soon landed in the small town of Kei Lan, changing during flight, and were headed deep into the town. Where there had once flown a green earth kingdom flag was a fire nation flag, a usual sight now, that waved lazily in the wind.

We stepped up to the front door of the familiar little house in the center of town that I'd run away from eleven years ago. I sighed as I knocked on the door, composing myself for what I might find.

The door opened to reveal a little girl of about eight years old. "You must be here for my brother. I'll go get him." She closed the door before I had the time to respond.

Katara set her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. You're being too tense."

"I know..." I tried to relax but it didn't work very well.

The door opened again this time revealing the familiar sight of Deko. "Hi... i-it's you..."

"Yeah it's me." I looked away from him. "Is Jan Ho here?"

"Why are you looking for my dad?"

I froze. "Y-your dad?"

"Yeah. Jan Ho is my dad." He seemed confused.

"Great..." I looked at Katara.

She had taken a step back and was trying really hard not to laugh but a snort escaped her nose anyway.

"I'll get him." The door was left open this time as Deko went to get my dad. "Dad!"

Katara burst out laughing as though she couldn't hold it in anymore. "Your brother asked you out!"

"Shut up!" I yelled fighting off blush.

"Hello, miss. How can I help you?" My dad's voice came from behind me.

I turned around kind of slowly and looked at him. The last time I'd seen him I'd only been a few feet tall, now at five foot two I was at his shoulders.

Recognition flooded into his eyes as he looked at me. "A-Azul?"

I smiled awkwardly. "Yeah..."

Suddenly I was taken up in his arms. "I thought you were dead for the longest time!"

"You're not mad?" I stood with my arms on his.

He pulled me tight again and rested his head on top of mine. "How could I be mad at you? You're my baby girl..."

I felt Katara set her hand on my shoulder and I pressed back from him. "I thought you hated me... I thought you were afraid of me..."

"I never meant to make you feel that way." His smiled faded a little. "When you were little, I didn't know what to do. I was confused as to how you could be causing earth quakes one moment and sneezing fire the next." He smiled again. "I'm sorry I made you think you didn't belong."

Katara smiled at me. "See, Azul. I told you they didn't hate you."

"I know you did... you were half right..."

At that moment the little girl and a woman who was very obviously her mother came into view through the door. The woman looked at me and sudden recognition lit her face. "Azul?" I nodded. Her arms wrapped around me. "I'm so sorry I made you feel unwanted! I never wanted you to run away!" she released me. "Come on. I want you to meet every one." She grabbed my hand and pulled me in. "Bring your girlfriend too."

My ears hardly picked up on the last bit but I knew she meant to bring Katara. I grabbed Katara's hand and pulled her along with me. "I've met Deko..."

"Oh good. He's my oldest, about the same age as you. His dad died in the war and he came to live with us just last year to avoid the draft. The day you ran away was the day that we were going to tell you I was pregnant with the next one." We came to a stop in the kitchen where a young boy sat at the table playing with some pebbles using earth bending. "This is your younger half-brother, Ja Joock."

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