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I can't believe Maxon went to get America. First he stopped her wedding now he has this delusional idea that she wants him back. If America is that stupid she can't have him.

I need this, I need to have this crown on my head. The northern rebels can't know that I'm loosing Maxon. They haven't even executed the plan.

"Your highness," a butler said and slowly opened the door to my suite.


"The King and Queen have requested to see you." He bowed and led the way to the kings office. The king and Queen was waiting for me. I curtsied, even though I didn't really want to. I have played a lovely girl far too long and I can't not.

"Take a seat Kriss." Queen Amberly said and I took the seat.

"We have some things to discuss." King Clarkson said and I was confused. Did he see through me? Did he see my act?

"Yes my King."

"You can no longer be Princess." King Clarkson said simply and clapped his hand gently.

I was on the edge to cry, fake tears of corse. Everything I've been through I can't lose now after the selection. When the king saw my reaction of loosing the title, he looked satisfied. I realize it's the wrong reaction. It shouldn't matter if I loose the crow, but Maxon.

"It's required of you to produce an heir." Queen Amberly said silently. Why does she always have to agree with Clarkson? That's her husband I get it but why? I've had to agree with Maxon for some time now, it's hard. Maxon of course wanted to hear m out, but I can't blow my cover.

"Since you can't, we have to choose another girl to become the princess." King Clarkson said. He threw a piece of paper in front of me. I took it. It's the Selection contract, page 2.

If the winner can't produce an heir the next girl must take her place. I have forgotten all about that stupid rule.

"You see the thing is you can't produce, our people aren't content with you, and neither are Maxon." 

"Maxon loves me." I said a little to stern.

"Is that so? Why is he on the way to America?" King Clarkson said amused by my little comment.

"What is going to happen now? What if America refuses? Then what, Celeste and Elise are both pregnant and Natalie doesn't want to settle down either." I said.

I'm tired of keeping facade of being the perfect daughter in law. They don't seem to like me anyways.

"The contract she signed we still have, but we don't want to use it unless it's necessary. She will come to her senses and know Maxon is the right choice."

"You're excused lady Kriss, you can pack up your stuff. We'll take care of the official divorce and dethroning."

I made my way out again. I'm furious. Now there is no way I'm staying. They made that pretty clear to me.

I gather my stuff and on my way to meet Zac, he is going to beat the shit out of me. I didn't finish our deal. He is northern rebel, but he wants the monarchy gone.

"Kriss?" Zac said and ran towards me and I put down my backpack.

"Hey Zac."

"Don't hey me. You didn't finish our deal." He slapped me and I fell to the ground. I reach my cheek it's bleeding.

"Please don't hurt me."

"I'm not going to hit you again, I'm going to hurt you in a different way."

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