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So far it's been two weeks since Maxon told me he wanted to have children. We aren't trying hard, but we won't be using protection. It was hell awkward when we had to get a check up to see if we had any deceases. Luckily we were decease free.

Tomorrow we'll be attending Kriss wedding, Celeste found a loophole and she sorted the things out. I think Maxon helped her with it, Elise helped too. I'm the only one that's totally useless here. It's not the first time I feel useless and won't be the last.

King Clarkson wasn't thrilled that when we told him we will be going to Europe once again. He yelled something about having to work and that we should get used to the workload since we are going to rule one day. I'm starting to get used to king Clarksons yelling.

I need to see Maxon, he might cheer me up right now, just what a need. I have already scattered the entire palace except the garden. I should have searched there first, since it is our place, but I thought he would be working.

He was wondering around the garden picking flowers and taking photos. I smiled at my husband and prince. He is so calm and peaceful in this very moment. I want to see him like this everyday.

I walked as quietly as possible and went for him. He jumped like a little girl and I laughed so bad. My stomach hurt and he ended up laughing with me before pretending to be mad and pouted.

"What are you doing out here?" Maxon asked and continued to take pictures. I followed him closely and just took it all in.

"I was looking for you." I smiled .

"So we're leaving tomorrow." He chuckled.

"Yeah, that's funny. We are going to Europe again."

"We aren't going to Europe." Maxon said and looked at me with confusion written all over his pretty face.

"Then were are we going."

"To new Asia." He said

Wow, so they are having the wedding in Elise' kingdom. I'm kind of nervous to visit new Asia. The war has gotten a lot better, and we are and should be safe. Queen Amberly still worries every time her family is leaving for new Asia.

"Oh Okay." Was All I could say.


We didn't get much work done today, actually none. We walked around in the garden and Maxon decided to cuddle. We skipped dinner and went straight to bed. We have laid in this king sized bed for hours and my head is staring to hurt.

I got up to use the bathroom when dizziness hit me. I was going to throw up. I ran straight to the toilet and puked. Moments later I felt a pair of hands embracing me gently before pulling away my hair.

"It's going to be okay." Maxon whispered in my ears as he rubbed my back.

"You don't have to see me like this."

"Through sickness and health." He said. Ironically that wasn't even in our vows.

I was hanging over the toilet for a while after I was finished throwing up. I didn't have the energy to get up or even move.

"Drink this."

I took the cup and drank the pink liquid. It was disgusting but better that throw up. I think I know why I'm throwing up, but how can I be sure? It's been two weeks only.


I must have been ovulating that night. Jeez how do I tell Maxon? I know he is gonna be thrilled and so will the king and the Queen.

"We need to get you down to the hospital swing."

"No need."

"America you're not well you are throwing up."

"I know why, I was ovulating that night." I said quietly.

Maxon stared at me before the puzzles began to fall into its places. He smiled.

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