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It has officially been 6 months since I left the palace. Maxon caught Aspen and I that night in my room. My hand was on Aspen's chest and Maxon walked in on us. Maxon was hurt, I could see it in his eyes. He didn't tell anyone about it, he only told me, that he wasn't going to marry me. I'm grateful that he didn't tell his father, King Clarkson. If he knew, I would have ended up like Marlee. Just the thought of being whipped makes me shiver with fear and discomfort. 

Since leaving the palace cameras have been following me everywhere, having been in the selection meant that I was now an Illean darling. Men were lining up to offer me their hand. Deep down I still loved Maxon, so much. If he is happy with Kriss, then I'm happy. The way I hurt him, made me realize I didn't deserve him and understood his decision of marrying Kriss. They say if you love someone set them free if it was meant to be it will come back.

The other elite girls weren't as sad as me. At last, it was only me and Kriss, who was left in the selection. Out of all the girls, I think it was the hardest for me to watch the wedding. Watching the man you love marry someone else.

Shortly after my departure from the palace, I began singing again. Even if my caste was now three, I still wanted to sing. That was one of the perks of being one of the selected girls. I could sing and not do the requiring jobs of my caste, and everyone turned a blind eye. I am popular and gaining fame was not a problem. I enjoy singing. I enjoy doing concerts for my fans.

I still live in Angeles, even though it is not required for me to stay here. I wanted to stay near the palace. Kriss won the selection, but we are still friends. I would sing and play the piano at her parties. Last time I played, the Italian royal family was there. It was nice to see Nicoletta again. We talked and she was pregnant with a little girl. It was a strange feeling being in the palace, it felt empty without the other girls.

King Clarkson eased up on me since I wasn't living in his home anymore. So, when I was playing at their parties I didn't fear him anymore. But the satisfaction was clear when Maxon sent me home. He hated me, I was never a choice in his eyes.

I began dating Anthony two months after I left the palace. Anthony Welsh Andrews. He was the only one who loved me for who I was, and not because I was selected for the selection. In his eyes I'm not a trophy wife, or just one of Maxon's exes. He didn't even know who I was. Anthony's family are from a country near Swendway.

"BABE? Where are you?" I heard Anthony's voice coming from the other room of our big house. Technically it's my house, he just lives here.

"In my study," I replied. I looked up from my papers and saw his gorgeous face. He was leaning against the door. He is so handsome.

"What are you doing?" he asked and kissed my lips lightly.

"Working on a new song," I said and smiled at him when he pulled back to look at me. His muscular arms wrapped around me as he kissed me. He lifted me and planted me on the King sized bed in my room. He kissed me over and over, his lips made their way down my neck. Just as he was about to undress me I heard the front door open. We sat up quickly and straighten our clothes before going to see who it was. I saw May standing in front of the front door. She was crying, the mascara was all over her face.

"He dumped me." She sobbed on my shoulder. I stroke her hair again and again. "It's okay May, he didn't deserve you."

"I Just want to die right now." She cried and made me laugh. My little sister will forever be little.

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