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My baby is now outside of my body. I can't believe this. It's weird that its finally out of me. I was so used to having the baby inside of me. The baby is absolutely beautiful, Maxon has been rocking the baby back and forth for over an hour. He is already the best dad ever, and he was scared that he was going to be a bad dad.

My family are on their way to the palace right now. May was screaming through the phone, she couldn't wait to meet her niece/nephew. The whole family are all exited to meet the newest addition to the family. Queen Amberly haven't left the baby's side either, not even for one second since it was born. King Clarkson still haven't met the baby. I had to be sown up after the departure of the baby and being exposed in front of him.

I can still feel the pain I had to endure, during the birth. I could feel the baby coming out and my skin ripping. I remember screaming for Maxon and an epidural. The nurse told me it was too late and that I was already in labor. I yelled some pretty vulgar names. Now that I have held and fed my baby, I know that it was worth it a 100%. I still miss my other baby.

"Your majesty, you need to stay in bed for the next week, you have to give your abdomen time to heal." The doctor said and went to update my chart. I'm so thankful that I didn't have any complications during labor. When Celeste had to give birth, she wasn't wide enough and had to have emergency C-section. She was intubated and under anesthesia. I had tubes and machines hooked up to me, but I was conscious the whole time.

"We will be tacking good care of you." Queen Amberly smiled and rubbed my arm, still looking at her grandbaby. 

"Its the cutest baby." Amberly squealed like a little girl. I know that she would've wanted more kids herself, but she was unable to carry one.  "Probably the cutest, no offense Maxon." She smiled. Maxon shook his head and continued to adore his child.

"Where is my grandbaby?" King Clarkson asked and announced his entrance. The doctors were finished sewing me up, so he could come in. It didn't even take a second before he was by the baby side. 

He took the baby in his arms and he smiled. I have never seen him show any kind of emotions, well happy ones. I have seen him angry or frustrated. He is genuinely happy about this.  Seeing the King cooing at the baby is very very strange. Maybe this baby could be the change for King Clarkson, and not being a sour puss all the time.

"When do we announce the gender?" The king asked. He is back to business. He has been pushing for an announcement since we found out. 

"We have to throw a big gender reveal party." Amberly hushed on her husband. I can't wait to tell Illea about the baby. They need something good, right now the only news traveling through Illea are Kriss' pregnancy, budget cutting and on the war on the ocean. 

"We have to plan the party to perfection" the king said. 

Who is ready for the gender reveal party? Can you guess the gender of the baby? Comment down below.

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