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Tonight is the end of our honeymoon. We are flying home today and I'm sad. This week has been truly magical and what if things get boring? We love each other, but planning this wedding and the honeymoon was just pure magic.

When we get back I have to take on the role as the princess and King Clarkson is going to watch my every step and I'm sure he is going to breathe down my neck.

I think he likes me, but even his wife whom he loves so dearly, probably the person he loves the most is having a hard time dealing with Clarkson.

I hope he gets his anger controlled, because he wanted me to marry Maxon and rejected the proposal many times before it came to a yes. He must know that I don't want to obey him and his ridiculous rules.


"Honey? It's time to get of the plane." Maxon said and tapped on my shoulder gently. I must have been sleeping this whole time. I shouldn't have slept, it's only 7pm and I just woke up.

"Dont can't I just sleep here?"

"Darling we have to greet everyone, go get ready we're landing in 20 minutes." He said and kissed me.

Great, people are waiting. I forgot how it is back in Illea. People will actually chase and shout out your name. Already missing the Danish people and the calmness they possessed.

The limo took us straight to the Palace and people were standing at the sidelines with signs. Some were nice and some were not so nice. One person was holding a sign of Maxon and her own face as the bride and cut me out completely. I laughed at that one, it's just so funny.

"Our parents will be inside, just so you don't feel ambushed."

"You mean both set?"

"Yes, two dad two moms."

"Moms will be the crazy ones" I sighed knowing my mom and Amberly will have some questions.

Maxon opened the door and offered me his hand. I took it and together we walked up to the Palace. The guards were lining up and greeted us. They called me "your highness" which was something I had to get used to.




We walked through the doors of the palace and we stand correctly. The whole family was there to greet us. They stood there in line waiting for us.

May was the first to break the silence and ran straight to me. She gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Welcome home Ames."

"Manners May." I heard my mom whisper. I chuckle at my mothers comment. She always has to be so formal. Back at the province she didn't quite care about the formalities, but now she cares too much.

"Mom!" May urged annoyed.

I pulled back from her hug and greeted the rest of my family. Amberly and Clarkson was waiting to greet us. Amberly races over to me the same way May did.

"So..... How was it?" Amberly asked and pulled away from me and looked me directly in my eyes. It took me a while before I knew what she meant.

"Good." I blushed. I'm looking forward to more talks with my mother in law about this.

"Mom? I need to steal my wife." Maxon said and lead me away from the family.

We spent the rest of the night in our room, talking about how we wanted it decorated. Maxon said that my first job as a princess is to redecorate the suite which is not that hard of a task.


"Yes darling?"

"I was just wondering..."


"I don't know, I just love you so much." I said and kissed him.

"We sure are cute now, just wait till we get old and have kids, they will think we are gross" he smiled. "I love you too, so much."


Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I just celebrated my birthday and the schedule has been quite hectic.

I'm going on vacation soon, I might not be able to update you guys as much, but I'll try.

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