Ch 13- No more love

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*Warning- mentions of depression, self-abuse and suicide

Alexander POV

       Well, Eliza knows. She loves me, I love her. We're both too shy to ask the other one out or to kiss the other person. Yesterday, I got released from the hospital and I finally feel like a person again. I honestly hated people taking care of me every single damn second.

"Do you need more blankets and pillows?" "Do you need any water?" "Do you need any food?" "Do you need your feet rubbed?" Yes, they even asked that last one. The last week of my life was my worst nightmare. I don't even know why they kept me in the hospital for a week when I just passed out. Yes, I kept having visions and sudden cravings, but Peggy has them all the time and she's completely fine! 

   What's even worse than all that attention is that the doctors gave me medicine. After my mother died, I fell into depression. It wasn't as severe as cutting myself or suicide attempts. Then, my cousin committed suicide and I was 100% depressed. A few years later, I watched my whole family die in a hurricane. After that, there was no other hope for me. I gave up on love, felt lonely. It was almost like I had no control over my body. I let my feet take me upstairs, let my hand grab the scissors, and let my wrist deal with the pain of cutting myself. 

    A month later, Eliza came into my life. Of coarse, I thought she was cute, but in sixth grade popularity depends on who your friends are. At the time, I was friends with Charles Lee, James Reynolds, Lafayette, Hercules, Laurens, and Thomas Jefferson. We played pranks on the Schuyler's and bullied them. After awhile, John, Herc, Laf, and I decided that it was enough and left James, Charles, and Jefferson, who soon followed us at 8th grade. Eliza started hanging out with us and her smile cleaned my soul and got rid of the depression. But it drives me insane on how the girls hang out with us. Sometimes, I wonder if the boys even like me.... if anyone loves me. 

     All of my family is gone, the girls may still hate me, and I have no idea if the boys even like me. I turn towards the medicine on my nightstand, then the scissors on my desk.

Maybe going back to letting your body control you isn't that bad.

John POV 

"You're a whore and will burn in hell."

    And with that, my dad left, slamming the door shut. Ever since I came out to him, he always beat me, threatened me, and left the house. Then, he would come home drunk and beat me some more. He tries to get me with girls, sometimes even bringing girls home for me. 

    I'm used to it though. Get beaten and threatened, him leaving, me making dinner for me and Alex, and him coming home and abuse more more. Tonight is pizza night, so I call and order pizza and call Eliza over (I need more help with homework). When Eliza gets here, so does the pizza.

John- Oh, I almost forgot about Alex.

Eliza- Alex!

     No answer.

Eliza- Alex!!

    No answer.


    Hmmm, something is wrong here.... We both decide to go upstairs for him. When we open the door, we see blood on his desk, cuts on his wrist, and him pouring out way too many pills. Eliza was the first to react. Calling out his name, she runs up to him and slaps the pills out of his hand.

Eliza- ALEX! Would you like to explain THIS?

     And with that, Alex passed out.... again.

OoF tHaT hApPeNeD

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