Ch 18- Say No To This

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Alex POV

     It's been about 2 weeks and Eliza and I are dating. Sadly, her and family went on vacation to Florida for spring break. I'm missing her too much, even though she's only been gone a day. That moment, Maria knocks on my door.

Alex- Maria? 

Maria- I know you're a man of honor. I'm so sorry to be bothering you right now at this time of day. But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone.

Alex- What?

Maria- P-Peggy's doing me wrong. Before she left, she beat me and mistreated me. And I'm now hearing that s-she's cheating on me. I-I don't have the means to go on.

       What? That doesn't sound like Peggy at all! Yet, they both have been acting differently lately...

Alex- C'mon, I'll drive you home. Here's some money to let you get through this.

Maria- Oh, you're too kind Alexander!

       I call up to John and tell him where I'm going. We both get in the car and I drive, letting her give me directions. 

Maria- This one's mine. 

Alex- Can I come in?

       She nods eagerly. We sit on her couch and talk things over. She asks if she can show me something, so of coarse I follow her. She leads me to her bedroom, lays on the bed, let her legs spread, and said:

Maria- Stay?

Alex- H-hey heh.

Maria- Hey.

      Lord, show me how to say no to this, I don't know how to. But my God, she looks so helpless, and her body's saying "hell yes".

Maria- Please Alex?

Alex- M-maria I can't, I'm with Eliza and I can't d-do that to her-

     She cuts me off but kissing me. She starts to rip off our clothing. I don't move. I can't. I'm all hers now.

*a week later*

    I wish I could say that was the last time, but it became a pastime. Eliza's coming back in a few days. I could talk to her and Peggy about this. That was, until I saw Maria with James Reynolds. I walk up to them.

Alex- What the hell is going on? Why have you been acting so strange lately Maria and hanging out with him now?

Maria- Alex-

Reynolds- Shut up, lady. Let's keep in between us two.

     He gestures to him and me. 

Alex- What's going on?

Reynolds- Don't you see? This is my assistant that you decided to-

Alex- Fu-

Reynolds- Yep. It's time for you to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled. And hey, you can keep seeing this whore if the price is right. If not, you're friends will be in great danger and you won't be able to save them.

     He says that last part with a terrifying smirk on his face. I grab Maria's hand and pull her outside. I started screaming in her face.

Alex- How could you?!

Maria- No, Alex! 

      She fell to the ground.

Maria- Please don't go!

Alex- So was your whole story about Peggy a setup?

Maria- W-Well-

Alex- Stop crying, Goddammit, get up!

Maria- We didn't know any better!

Alex- I am ruined...

Maria- Please don't leave me, I'm helpless.

Alex- Oh God, how could I do this?

Maria- Just give him what he wants and you can have me.

Alex- I don't want you.

Maria- Whatever you want! If you pay, you can stay!

       She pushes me against the wall, apologies again, and start to kiss me. We start to touch each other.

Alex/Maria- Yes...

      Then I remember that we can't do this at a school. I pull her inside and we go to Reynolds.

Reynolds- So?

       I look back at Maria, then at James.

Alex- Nobody needs to know.

       James has a satisfied look on his face as he pulls Maria away. I stand in the hallway with people walking around me. That's when I heard the one voice that I didn't want to hear.


Oof, cliffhanger....

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