Ch. 15- Dangerous

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^omg look at that cinnamon roll

Alexander POV

     I was laying in my hospital bed, not listening to Burr and Laurens yelling at me. I don't know why they're overreacting. It was just a small argument. That's when Ms. Schuyler #1 walked in and joined in on the argument.

Alex- Can you guys just shut up? Look, I'm sorry. It will never happen again.

Angelica- Why are you apologizing? 

Alex- Umm.... didn't you want me to?

Angelica- I mean, why are you apologizing to US when you should be apologizing to ELIZA!

     Of coarse, I fell silent.

Alex- Hmm

Angelica- "Hmm"? That's all you have to say?

Alex-  ....yes?

Angelica- Well, congratulations Alexander. You have officially invented a new kind of stupid.

Eliza POV 

     I was laying in bed when I got a text from my friends. Of coarse, my phone was in the complete opposite end of the room. Then, I realized that I was a ninja: I slowly fell out of my bed, bringing my blankets and pillows with me, I jumped over the blankets/pillows and crawling some more. After retrieving my baby, I crawled back into my bed with my blankets back on me. 

Maria- Theo and I are coming over

      Great, now I have to clean my room. About an hour later, Peggy opens the door with Theo and Maria behind her.

Eliza- Come in

Theodosia- Eliza, what happened?

      I go on and explain what happened at the hospital. Of coarse, I tried my best not to cry.

Theodosia- Liza, I'm sorry. 

Peggy- Umm... Maria, can I talk to you?

     Maria nods and follows Peg out of the room. I look back at Theodosia and wiggle my eyebrows at her, making her giggle. Oh god, why is my 16 year old sister such a PLAYER?!

Peggy POV

     Maria follows me out of the room and follow me downstairs. I lean against the counter.

Maria- What do ya need, baby?

Peggy- I need your help ordering the pizza cause I have no idea how to.

Maria- Ha, oh coarse.

Peggy- Make the order a cheese pizza and a pepperoni pizza with a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi, and we'll go to the store to pick it up.

      Maria calls the pizza place while I go up and tell the two what we're doing. When I come back downstairs, Maria is leaning against the counter. I go up to her and put my arms on both sides of her body.

Peggy- How long?

Maria- About 15 minutes.

     I then press my lips against hers. I feel her tongue slip into my mouth. Our small kiss soon turned into a mini make out session, like always. She pulls away making me sad.

Maria- Sh*t, we should probably get going.

      I nod. Once we get the pizza, we start walking home, only to be stopped by a jerk face called Charles Lee and his jerk-face gang of rate.

Lee- Ay yo, lesbians! Why are you walking out here all alone with men? Oh yeah! Because you guys are gay!

Peggy- We have each other, thank you very much.

Maria- Just leave us alone.

Lee- As if. Get them.

     All of a sudden, James Reynolds, Samuel Seabury, George King, and George Eacker grabbed Maria and I. Of coarse we were screaming and fighting back, but they were too strong. Lee took MY pizza that I bought with MY money, which made me just scream more. The last thing I saw was Lee looking at us with a satisfied look with his henchmen tying us up and putting a blindfold over our eyes. After that, they pulled us somewhere and kicked, punched, and smacked us (not that way, you perverts). Then, everything went dark.

Oops, short chapter... 

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