Ch 25- Heather, get owned!

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^small hint for this chapter 

Eliza POV

I've been friends with the Heather's for two weeks now, and they've made me do so many things that I regret. Last week, they made me quit band and playing piano because that would label me as a nerd. And just yesterday, Heather Duke talked my into cutting my hair, even though I don't want to. Heather McNamara kept convincing me to cut class, which eventually I did. Heather Chandler, the queen bee, made me leave notes to my sisters and the others. 

I really hate my life right now.

Anyways, I walk into the lunch room where I see two options waiting for me. Sit with the Heather's and Veronica and be labeled as a cool person and Elizabeth like always, or sit with my friends and be happy. This is probably the hardest decision that I've ever made. 

I look at my old friends who are looking at me with confused looks and pleading eyes. Then, I look at my new friends and see them giving me the "sit with them, and you're dead" look. I start to walk towards my usual spot with the Heather's, but then I pause and turn around and walk towards my old friend. Gasps can be heard around the cafeteria. 

Eliza- Hey guys, can I sit here?

Angelica- Of coarse, Elizabeth-

Eliza- Please, call me Eliza.

We all smile, then I sit down. I finally feel safe and happy. Except for the fact that Alexander, Peggy, and Maria is still there. It looks like the rest of the gang has forgiven them, but I haven't. Alexander crushed my heart, he said that he loved me. Maria said that she would always be my best friend and would never betray me, well look where we are now. And Peggy, she's my sister, and sister's don't leave each other for a man. Especially not the Schuyler Sisters. My thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing my hair, making me stand up immediately. 

H. Chandler- What do you think you're doing hanging out with these freaks?

Eliza- They aren't freaks, they're my friends. Unlike some people I know.

H. Chandler- I swear to God, if we weren't in school right now, I would be cutting your throat right now!

John- Hey! Let go of Eliza now!

H. Duke- What? You afraid of loosing Eliza? Sometimes I wonder if you're actually gay or not.

H. Chandler- Shut up, Heather!

H. Duke- Sorry, Heather!

John- First, I'm as strait as a fucking rainbow. Second- She's my best friend and she's definitely not a bitch like you three! She's an innocent cinnamon roll who cares about her friends. She deserves better than three lunatics who all they care about is popularity and looks, which quite frankly, not very good at.

H. McNamara- *gasp* You take that back! 

John- No thank you, I would like to keep my first amendment rights!

I look up to see a steamed Heather Chandler. Seriously, you can see steam coming out of her ears and nose and her face is a dark red.

H. Chandler- You. Me. Eliza's house, tonight. We'll settle this there.

Heather lets go of my hair and pushes me into John's arms. All three strut away with hands on their hips. 

John- What a bitch.

I force my way out of John's arms and run outside. I can't deal with this pressure. I pace around the school garden for a few minutes, thinking about my life choices. God, I've been so bitchy towards my friends. Ugh, I wish I could just die! 

Alex- Eliza?

I turn around to see Alexander standing there. I can't help but start crying uncontrollably. He runs to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me to the ground and whispers good things to me.

Alex- Hey, It's ok. John will be ok! He's a survivor.

Eliza- I'm not w-worried about him. I've just been such a jerk to you guys.

Alex- True, true.

I slap him. He looks down at my pissed look and realizes what he did. He lets go of me and scoots away a bit.

Alex-  Well actually, I'm more of a jerk. First, just using you for a freaking dare is rude enough. But I shouldn't have cheated on you. I'm sorry.

He looks away in embarrassment. So I scoot as close to him as possible. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder and "boop" his nose with my finger. He does his adorable laugh that I missed.

Alex- Look, I know I don't deserve you. If I could do anything in this world, it would be for me to go back in time, fix everything I did, and rewrite the stars. (oops, wrong musical). 

Eliza- ....I love you.

Alex- I love you too. 

We share a quick kiss. Key word: quick. I can guarantee that it would have been longer, but my annoying sister and friend interrupted us by jumping on us and screeching.

Eliza- I love you guys too.

Maria- Whoa, whoa. I'm sorry Eliza, but I'm already dating your sister.

We all start laughing. Gosh, I love these fools. 

********time skip boi*********

John, Alex, my sisters, and I are standing waiting for the Heather's. After a few minutes, we see the three plus Veronica. We all stand there, completely silent.... for like 10 seconds.

H. Duke- You ready to rumble??

H. Chandler- Shut up, Heather! How many times do you have to take my spotlight?!

H. Duke- Sorry....

H. Chandler- Now John, would you like to apologize? 

John- mmm, how 'bout no?

H. Chandler- What? Do you even know who I-

John- Yes I do know who you are. I know that you're a no good slut who only cares about herself. 

Heather starts to walk away.

John- Hey! Listen up biotch! Yeah, that's right! I stole your line! It's my thing now! Do you know what's also my thing now? Stealing things that didn't belong to that person in the first place. For example, I'm stealing Eliza. She never belonged to you. She never belonged to your group of hoes who go around acting like they're God and everyone worships them and the ground that they walk on, when the only thing that does worship them is Satan. That's right, I said it and I'll say it again! Satan himself worships you three mother-truckers! You are all so evil and crazy that if you took Satan and times himself by 10, he wouldn't be even close to as bad as you three! Now, I recommend that you three go walk away with your pretty little no good head low to the ground. And I hope that once you get home, you three look in the mirror and see what type of monster you really are!

Whaaaaaaaaat? Who the hell is that? Is that even John? As they start to walk away, John turns to us with a satisfied look on his face. 

We start to applaud him when Alexander quickly pushes me out of the way, he groans in pain. I turn around and see Alex laying on the ground with blood seeping out of a wound and Heather holding a bloody knife.

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