So we're all good?

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My P.O.V.

I woke up early this morning at around 7:30. I crawled out of my bunk. Rydel and Ratliff weren't even up yet. I put my earbuds in my ears and turned on the R5 louder album. I'm not exactly sure why! I sat on one of the couches in the front lounge waiting for someone to get up so I didn't feel like I was alone. I put my feet in the chair and wrapped my arms around my knees. It felt like those awkward moments in my room when I wanted to text Ross but couldn't so I sat in silence, or when I wanted hang with friends but couldn't! It was very awkward until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I pulled an earbud out of my ear and looked up to see a tired faced Ellington staring down at me.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Your up early." he giggled silently.

"I know." I giggled back. "So what do you usually do when your up this early?"

"You sound like Ross!" A smile spread across his lips.

"! I...geuss." I smiled back at him hesitantly.

"No! it's a good thing!"His smile never left. He sat down next to me and I giggled a little.

"Oh... I know I should probably be asking Rocky this, but since he's not up, do you know how him and Madison are doing?" I looked at him with hope in my eyes.

"Good! Last night while you, Ross, Riker, and Rydel, talked or did whatever you were doing they had another FaceTime date." His eyes were full of joy.

"So are they still just friends?" I asked curious.

"Yeah! He said he wants to talk to her in person first before deciding that." he laughed a little and I did too.

"So what are listening to?" I handed him one of my earbuds. Just as he put it in his ear 'Love Me Like That' started playing and he burst out laughing.

"So even when you see us 24/7 you still listen to our album in your spare time!" he joked. "You'd think you would be tired of us!" That caused me to laugh.

"So how much longer do you think it'll be until Rydel gets up?" I asked after I stopped laughing.

"Soon probably." He replied still pretty tired.

"What should we do?" I asked kind of bored with the conversation.

"I don't exactly know. Me and Rydel usually watch TV while she scrolls through her phone." I giggled when he said that.

"Should we watch TV?" I asked turning my music off.

"Actually we made an agreement not to turn the TV on until 8:30 a.m." I checked my phone 8:10. Ugh! This is going to be a long day. Shortly after Rydel came walking in the room. I've never seen her this tired before!

"Hey..." she stopped when she noticed me. She grabbed a water and sat down on the other side of me. "What are you doing up?" I giggled a little.

"I don't exactly know, but I was up before Ellington this morning!"

"It's true she was!" he laughed looking at Rydel who shrugged it off. "Whatever!" Me and Ellington laughed. "We can't turn the TV on so we have to be a little quieter until 8:30." Rydel shushed us.

"Rydel it's 8:20!" I said still giggling.

"Oh.." and she giggled with us. "But we still have 10 minutes." Time flew by pretty quick with me and Rydel playing on our phones and Ellington watching TV.

*A Little while later*

I checked the time on my phone. 9:30 a.m. I got up and stood on the second bunk and poked my head into Ross' bunk. He was so cute when he slept. I sat and watched him until he realized I was there and opened his eyes.

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