Stomach Virus and concert

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I woke up this morning when I rolled over and noticed Ross wasn't there. I stood up and went to the bathroom where I found Ross brushing his teeth.

"How do you fell sleeping beauty?" he asked half concerned half joking with me.

"Fine!" I giggled walking toward him. I took my medicine and sat on the side if the tub watching him brush his teeth.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked when he was done brushing his teeth.

"Fine." I stood up to brush my teeth. "Has your mom stopped by yet?" I asked while I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Not yet. She should be here soon." I nodded and continued brushing my teeth. Ross stood there staring at me.

"What" I mumbled after spitting.

"You watched me brush mine I'm watching you brush yours!" he grinned and continued watching me. When I was done we walked out of the bathroom.

"You are so weird!" I said giggling.

"At least I made you laugh!" He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I giggled more when I felt him breathing down my neck. Stormie knocked on the door, Ross went to get it and I sat on the foot of the bed sipping ginger ale.

"Are you ok?" she asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah! I'm better."

"Good! Tonight during the show do you want to lay on the bus or try standing backstage?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll see when tonight comes." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Ross start getting ready. You have rehearsal in an hour." Ross nodded and started changing. I laid back on the bed for only a second before I was back in the bathroom again. When I came out Ross hugged me.

"I'm sorry your sick!" he said in the most childish tone I've ever heard in my life! I giggled at him. I changed into denim shorts and and a tank top.

"Come on." I giggled.

"Where are we going?" Ross asked confused.

"Well I'm going to Rydel's room for a minute then you have rehearsal. That I'm not missing!" I said smiling at him a little. He smiled and grabbed my hand leading me out of the room and to Rydel's. We knocked on her door and she opened it within a matter of seconds.

"Hey! Are you feeling better?" She asked when I walked in.

"Yeah! I'm feeling better!" I exclaimed. "Are you almost ready for rehearsal?" I heard Ross say from the door.

"Yeah! Just give me a minute." We nodded and left the room. Ross wrapped one arm around my waist. The boys walked out of their rooms.

"So the sick ones ready before we are! That's bad!" Riker joked smiling at me. I giggled. "Rydel told us to give her a minute and she'd be ready." I said still giggling.

"This should take a while!" Riker smiled and pulled out his phone. My phone buzzed. Figuring it was Riker I pulled it out of my back pocket and checked it. I had a text from Riker and My Mom.

Riker: Are you feeling better?

Mom: He sweetie how's everything?

I replied to Riker first.

Me: You know you could have just asked me that in person instead if texting me! 😋

Then my mom.

Me: Good. I have a small stomach virus though. I'm doing just fine!

I soon got a reply from Riker.

Riker: I know! But it's more fun to text you! 😋

Me: Your so weird!!

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