Bye Mom!

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Today Me ad Ross were heading back to Cali! I was so excited to see his siblings again! I couldn't wait to see Mark and Stormie again either! My mom was dropping us off at the airport in an hour. Ross was excited and I could tell!

"How much longer?" He whined flopping down on my made bed.

"Thanks you just messed up my bed!" I giggled.

"Sorry! Come lay with me." He didn't move a muscle. I didn't argue either. I laid down next to him with my head on his stomach.

"How much longer?" He asked again!

"About 50 more minutes!" I giggled.

"UGH!" He complained. I laughed a little. I moved up closer so my face was right in front of his.

"You're gonna make it!" I giggled.

"No I'm not!" He whined. "I think I'm dying!" He joked. I laughed a little and he unexpectedly kissed me. I melted fast placing my hand on his shoulders as his rested on my hips. Soon he flipped me on my back putting a hand on either side of my head. We pulled away for air.

"How much longer now?" Ross asked.

"I don't know!" I giggled.

"Honey come down stairs please!" My called through the door.

"Coming!" I called back pushing Ross off me.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Sorry!" I giggled as he stood up. I kissed him on the cheek and grabbed his hand. We walked down stairs and saw my mom on the couch.

"Hey mom! We're here!" I approached the couch siting next to my mom, Ross next to me.

"Hey sweetie! I was just wondering if you two would like to spend some time down stairs with me before you left." My mom stated clearly saying we had been spending to much time alone. I looked up at Ross who nodded and smiled.

"Sure mom! We'd love to. How much longer till we leave for the airport?"

"Great! About 30 minutes!" My mom smiled.

"Great. We'll go get our luggage so we'll be ready as soon as it's time. Then we can stay down here till time to go!" I smiled.

"Ok sweetie! Hurry!" My mom smiled. Me and Ross stood up and walked up stairs to grab our bags. When we had walked down stairs my mom was crying a little. I sat my bags down by the door and waited for Ross by the door.

"Hey give me and my mom a minute. You can stand here if you want." I whispered. He nodded.

I walked over siting next to my mom.

"Mom." She looked over at me.

"Sweetie!" She choked back tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I'm gonna miss you so much! You hardly spent any time with me this week!" My mom whispered the last sentence knowing Ross could hear. "I feel like you don't love me as much anymore." She whispered.

"Mom! I love you just as much as before! It's just here me and Ross had a little privacy to talk. At his house his siblings are watching us like hawks! I love being here mom! I don't love you any less." I leaned over to hug her. "I'm gonna miss you!" I whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" My mom cried. She looked at her watch. "We probably need to go." I nodded and stood up heading for the door. Ross took our bags to the car. When he got back we all walked to the car. Me and Ross sat in the back.

"I'm sorry." Ross whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"For taking you from your mom." He whispered back.

"Baby, you didn't take me from my mom at all! Ok? I wanted to spend time with you." I kissed him lightly. He smiled weakly. "We'll talk later." I whispered. He nodded. I could tell he felt bad. My mom dropped us off at the airport and watched us walk in. When we were in the airport I pulled Ross off to the side. We still had a good 30-40 minutes before boarding time.

"Ross. What's up?!" I asked slightly annoyed.

"I feel bad about taking you from your mom." He blankly stated. My lips crashed into his roughly as his hands rested perfectly on my hips. When we pulled away I stared into his perfect brown eyes.

"You did not take me from my mom! Understand!" I angrily stated. He nodded. "Ross, Tell me why this is bothering you so much." I asked my voice softening a lot.

"I don't know! Your mom just seems to really like me and the thought that she might not like me if I keep you away from her makes me feel like I might lose you." His eyes filled with tears.

"Aww Ross! Baby! Your never gonna lose me! I don't care what my mom think about you! I love you an that's all that matters!" I kissed him gently. I felt him smile a little. I pulled away.

"Are you better?" I asked.

"Yes. A lot!" He smiled. "Come on they're boarding." Ross grabbed my hand and pulled me on the plane. I laughed the whole way there.

"Hey I think my moms flying down in two weeks for Christmas!" I giggled after we sat down.

"REALLY!" He exclaimed making me giggle.

"Yes!" I nodded.

"Awesome!" He laughed kissing my forehead.

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