Spreading sickness

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My P.O.V.

I woke up this morning and noticed Ross wasn't there. My first thought was planning for the show until I realized he wasn't even in the bus.

"Where's Ross?" I asked worried when I walked to the back where everyone was.

"Sick!" Riker answered.

"Oh No!" I whispered. "Where is he Riker?"

"Go find my mom. He should be with her." Riker looked back down at his phone and I walked out of the bus. I saw Stormie right outside the venue.

"Stormie! Where's Ross?" I asked when I got next to her.

"He's in the venue bathroom throwing up." She answered a little disappointed in me. I nodded.

"May I go check on him?" she nodded and pointed to the bathroom he was in. I walked over to the door and opened it carefully. I immediately heard Ross.

"Ross..." I whispered softly. I heard him flush the toilet and walk out of one of the two stalls.

"Emilee..." He walked over and hugged me. I started crying into his shirt. "Why are you crying?" he asked before pulling away from the hug.

"Because it's my fault your sick. You got it from me. What if you can't perform tonight?" I cried harder. He pulled me back into the hug.

"Baby, I'm gonna be ok. I've already been given medicine for it and will only be contagious for 48 more hours. I'm gonna do everything in my power to perform tonight. Don't worry about it." He tried calming me down. It didn't work.

"How can I not worry about it? The only two people that would talk to me this morning were Riker and Stormie and they're blaming me. I can see it in the way they looked at me. Ross What am I going to do? I feel so bad!" I cried even harder.

"Baby! Don't worry about it! Please! Please stop crying! You don't need to cry! It going to be ok! Please stop crying!"

"Ross I can't!" He tilted my head up to look at me. "You can. Now listen to me. No ones blaming you! If they are I'll tell them I kissed you off guard. Ok? Please stop crying." I let a few tears fall and he wiped them away from my cheeks.

"Baby. Stop. Please!" He whispered one more time. By this time my face was teared stained and it was probably a good thing Ross was shirtless. I nodded and hugged him again. We left and walked over to Stormie. I started silently crying again, but just held Ross' hand.

"Hey mom." he greeted her.

"Hey." she greeted back. "Why did you have to get sick?" she mumbled looking at me. I cried at little harder.

"Mom it wasn't her fault. Ok. I was checking on her and out of habit I kissed her. Ok. I'm sorry!" His eyes filling with a few tears.

"I know Ross just go get some rest." We both nodded and walked back to the bus. Before I let him walk in I grabbed his arm and jerked him back.

"I'm sorry! And hey since we're both sick it doesn't matter if we sleep in the same bed or kiss or anything!" I giggled a little and he kissed me. I didn't care about his breath because to be fair mine was the same way. He smiled at me and pulled me on the bus. I crawled into his bunk and he started to follow.

"Ross can I talk to you for a minute?" I heard Riker ask.

"Yeah sure." was all Ross said.

Ross P.O.V.

I followed Riker to the front lounge.

"Dude! Why?" He stared at me.

"Riker, You would have done the same! If it was your girlfriend you would have held her and kissed her and made sure she was ok every chance you got! So don't start that crap with me!" I stared back.

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