Chapter 3: The Return

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Michael's P.O.V

I searched the room I was in for the 43rd time. Ugh! There was nothing here! I punched the wall angrily, leaving a hole in the wall. I could see the plumbing and circuitry through the hole. I needed to watch my strength. I couldn't afford to lose control again. Especially when there were children nearby. Listening to children laugh as they ate their pizza and talk about gibberish made me feel happy. If I lost control, then those happy children would be in danger. I can't be responsible for any more death! I punched the wall angrily and made a bigger hole than the first. Damn. I heard kids pause, wondering what was making that racket. I heard adults try to open the door to the room I was in, only to find it locked. I needed to!

I noticed a door that seemed to blend in with the wall. I tried the door, and it opened, revealing a small office space in the ventilation system. Perfect. I walked through the small office and entered the vents. My eyes glowed purple, creating a small light source. I would find the reason I was called here. No matter what. I spotted a figure ahead of me and crawled towards it. Maybe this was the source...

Henry's P.O.V

I entered the pizzeria during the grand opening. Y/N was sick, so I had to fill in for her. I noticed a group of fearful adults gathered around the door to the testing room. I noticed a particularly concerned mom and walked over to her.

"Um, ma'am. What are you doing over here? This room is for employees only." I asked.

The mother glared at me, then responded. "There's something in here that's causing a commotion. It could be a threat to our children."

Great. Y/N hadn't restrained Molten Freddy. He must still be in there. I needed to see him for myself. "There's abso-"

Suddenly, three of the adults slammed down the door. I winced, hoping Molten Freddy was in there. I looked in and gasped. He wasn't there. There were, however, 2 large holes in the wall. That was probably why the parents panicked. 

The adults glared at me, then dispersed, walking their children out of the building. I sighed partially out of exasperation and the other part out of relief. Molten Freddy was now in the ventilation, but the adults hadn't seen him. That meant less lawsuits. That was good.

I sighed and closed the restaurant early. Time to search for Molten Freddy. With any luck, he hadn't gotten too far away. Even if he did, I could lure him back. I sat down in front of the ancient computer and pulled up the audio panel. Y/N had said that the 4th audio prompt had triggered a reaction, so I played it near the office. I heard shuffling and chuckling as Molten Freddy appeared in the vent opening. His eyes were red. 

I gripped my taser and electrocuted Molten Freddy with it. I watched as he shuddered and twitched, then his eyes turned a dull purple. Perfect. I studied the animatronic carefully. Bare endoskeleton. Twisted, mangled features. Razor-sharp teeth. This was William's design all right. After all, only he would have designed murderous animatronics. I sighed. What had William become? He had been my friend, once. Now he was an insane monster. Quite literally. 

Molten Freddy was staring at me, then he said in a familiar voice that I recognized instantly. "Why did you call me here?"

I grinned. This was him. "I can't believe that you're here. I haven't seen you since you were a kid." I said, smiling happily. I had missed him so much.

Molten Freddy snarled, his eyes flashing red, then he clutched his head, almost as if he could still feel emotion. I knew the truth though. Molten Freddy was an emotionless machine. "You've made a horrible mistake. There are others. They will be much worse than me."

I smiled. "That's the point. I'm finishing the job that you failed to complete."

Molten Freddy narrowed his eyes. "That's not what I meant. These souls are corrupted. I can't free them. Not when I'm one of them now." He laughed a horrible laugh. "It's time for you to join your old friends. We have a lot of catching up to do. Of course, you won't be in one piece when you get there." Molten Freddy's eyes were now tinted red as he growled, ready to strike.

"Michael, please. I know you're in there. Please, stop. You're better than this!" I cried.

Molten Freddy roared and leaped at me, teeth aimed at my head. His eyes were now a bright red.  Michael was gone.

I ducked, but not fast enough. Molten Freddy's teeth sunk into my arm. I screamed in pain and tried to get out of his grip, without success. Molten Freddy dragged me into the darkness of the vents, where no one was around to hear me scream. I felt dizzy as my blood flowed freely from the bite on my arm. As I was dragged away, I blacked out.

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