Chapter 11: We All Burn Together

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Your P.O.V

It had been 3 days. 3 days since Michael lost his sanity.

You were discharged from the hospital today. Henry only had to stay for a day and had visited you for the other two days. Henry was a really sweet guy, and you were lucky to be with him. Henry refused to say a word about Michael, but you saw the truth in his eyes.

Michael, the man that you had loved, was gone. And you couldn't understand why.

You sit on your sofa, mutely watching TV, your mind swirling with questions that had no answers. You wanted the answers, but they were too far out of reach. At least, to obtain legally. 

No. You weren't a criminal.

You drove to work an hour later, wondering what to do. The animatronics here were too dangerous to have around. What would you do? Scrap them?

No. That was cruel.

Henry was waiting for you inside, checking his watch. Then he saw you, and he smiled, blushing nervously. 

"Hi, Y/N." Henry said, blushing.

You hug Henry and hold him close. You couldn't lose another person. Michael was gone. You couldn't lose Henry too. Henry returns the embrace and holds you tighter. He must feel the same way.

"I love you, Henry," you whisper.

"I love you too, Y/N," Henry responds, his warm breath fluttering along your ear. You blush and are about to kiss him when an adult taps your shoulder. You jump away from Henry, remembering vaguely that this is a children's restaurant. Freddy's had been so drowned in blood and lies that you hadn't recognized this place as a place that children could enjoy.

"Sorry sir," you apologize to the man behind you, who nods and returns to a table and watches his child as she approaches Lefty. 

Henry smiles at you and whispers to you, "Later tonight, babe." 

You giggle like a schoolgirl and whisper back, "I can't wait."

Time Skip: 3 hours

You are sitting in the dining area after locking up the restaurant. Henry walks over to you and sits down next to you. 

You lean over and kiss Henry on the cheek. Henry then pulls you in and kisses you full on the lips. When the two of you break for oxygen, Henry glances over at Lefty, who is watching the two of you creepily.

"Cut it out, Maribelle." Henry reprimands Lefty. 

"Sorry," Lefty says and returns to his original position.

You giggle and Henry blushes. He then frowns, his eyes filled with sadness.

"What is it, Henry?" you ask. You couldn't bear to see Henry so depressed.

"It's too bad that this place will be ashes tomorrow." Henry says quietly. 

You couldn't believe what Henry was saying. "Wait...ashes!?"

"Not in front of Lefty," Henry whispers. "Follow me to the test room."

"Where?" you ask, confused.

"The salvage room." Henry clarifies.

"Okay," you say and follow Henry to the salvage room. Once the two of you are in there, Henry closes both doors so nothing can hear your discussion.

"I have a plan to free the souls of these tormented people once and for all. Will you help me, even at the cost of your own life?" Henry asks.

"Yes." you say.

"Excellent," Henry says.

Henry's P.O.V

I told Y/N my plan, and she gulped, then nodded queasily. She was in.

We walked into the office and checked the nightly duties. Y/N used the computer to print more flyers while I used the audio lure I had designed to lead all the animatronics away from the exits, including my daughter Maribelle. 

"I'm sorry," I muttered. 

Once the animatronics were away from the exits, I turned to Y/N.

"Are you sure that you want to be here when the place burns?" I asked.

"Yes. I won't leave you, Henry," Y/N said, trying to be brave. She was afraid, and so was I, but I couldn't tell her that. I needed to stay strong. This would be where our stories ended. 

I smiled at Y/N, who weakly smiled back. I then walked to the men's restroom with a gasoline can. I doused each room with gasoline, then I walked back to Y/N, who had finished dousing the office and the vent opening with gasoline. It was time to light this place up. Then, I saw a figure approaching us from the vents. 

Scrap Baby.

Her right arm was a giant claw, and her twisted features were enough for a grown man to scream. Which I did. Y/N studied the animatronic, unsure of how to react. It was time. Then, Baby started to speak.

"You have gathered the souls all in one place, that gift is something we truly appreciate." Baby said, crawling slowly towards us. "Now, the plan can unfold. We will be complete."

I stepped forward, holding a lit match. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but you've been....misinformed. This restaurant isn't what it seems. This is a trap, designed for you animatronics. This is where our stories will end. We will all burn, and you will relinquish your souls. They don't belong to you." 

I threw the match into the vent opening, and it lit on fire, exploding with a deafening roar. I grabbed Y/N's hand and held it tightly, knowing that we would die here. "There will be peace waiting for some of you, but for you, William, the darkest pit of Hell has opened for you. Don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. And Michael, my oldest friend and my beloved research partner, maybe you will be free. Or maybe you will join your father. I'm unsure at this point. I just hope that your afflicted soul will finally find peace. I'm sorry." 

As the pizzeria burned, I thought I heard a whisper. But maybe I was mistaken...

"Thank you for setting me free."

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