Chapter 6: Death and Retribution

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Your P.O.V

You lay on the floor of the vents, dying, your life oozing onto the cold vents. You start to crawl away while Scraptrap isn't looking, but he hears you and stomps on your right foot, breaking it. You scream again, clutching your foot. Scraptrap laughs and crawls away, certain of your death. You are too. It grows harder and harder to breathe as you feel your life slipping away. The pounding of your foot, your stomach wound losing more and more blood by the second, all of it adds to the pain you've felt your entire life. 

You remember the first time you met Michael, how sweet he was to you. All those times you thought he was dead, he always came back. But not this time. Henry said he did, but you don't believe him. You feel sluggish and want to sleep. Every part of your minds screams for you not to, but you close your eyes and sigh as you fall asleep. This was the most relaxed you had felt in years. A final sigh rattles out of your body. 

Voices whisper around you. You are now in a blank white room. There is a door behind you and a door ahead. It seems like a dream, but you can interact with the doors. You feel your heartbeat and smile sadly. Your past seems like a dream. The door behind you starts to fade. You run back to it and it stops fading. But now the other door is starting to fade. 

"Hello? Missus?" says a young voice behind you.

You whirl around to see a young boy standing behind you. He appears gray and faded. "Who are you?" you ask.

"My name's David." the boy responds. "Have you seen my twin, Maribelle? She said that she would come back soon."

" I haven't." you say.

"Okay." David says. He turns and walks away. That's when you notice a stab wound on the back of his neck. This boy's dead. Does that mean you are too?

"Wait!" you shout. 

  David turns back towards you, frowning. "What is it?"

"Where are we?" you ask.

David looks confused. "We're at Fredbear's, of course. Fredbear's Family Diner. Are you okay?"

Now it's your turn to be confused. Gently, you lean down and place your hands on his shoulders. "David, we're not at Fredbear's. Fredbear's closed down over 50 years ago. I'm sorry."

David freezes, then starts to cry. "What happened to me then?"

You hug David, then whisper into his ear. "You died. You were murdered by William Afton. He killed me too."

David pauses and glares at you angrily. "That's not true! Daddy's friend wouldn't do that! He wouldn't!"

You hug David again. "It's true. I'm sorry." You pause, thinking about what David said. Daddy's friend. Did he mean...Henry? He had to. David was an innocent kid. He wouldn't lie.

David sniffles and hugs you back. "Willie did it. He killed me. I was trapped in my past. Thank you, missus." 

You smile. "You're welcome." 

David laughs as he fades. "Now, it's your time to decide. Will you leave behind your past? Or will you return to finish the job you've undertaken?" 

What is your choice? Will you move on and leave behind the pain? Or will you return, but never move on until your job is done? Go on to the next chapter to choose the door in front of you. Or go to chapter 7 to choose the door behind you.

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