A Choice

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Your P.O.V

As the restaurant burns around you, you desperately search for an exit, a crawl-space. Anything at all. There was nothing. You sigh and hold Henry's hand, which has gone cold despite the rising temperature. Henry's gone. Tears threaten to streak down your face, but you hold in your tears. You need to stay strong. Henry would have wanted it that way. That's when you see it.

An exit has opened due to collapsing rubble. It will lead outside, where there is a fire engine approaching. You can escape. You remember what Michael had said to you, so long ago: 

"Get out of here! Go!"

But Michael is gone. His words don't matter as much anymore. You're growing weaker by the second. Soon, you won't be able to escape. What will you do?

Leave or stay?

(If you choose to leave, move on to the next chapter. If you choose to stay, skip the next chapter and go to the last chapter)

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