Chapter 5: Denying an Apology

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Scraptrap's P.O.V

I dragged the girl over to my sanctuary. Specifically my section of the vents. I hurled the girl into the corner and grinned. She appeared older, but this was her. The girl who had ruined my plans twice. Now for a little payback. 

I laughed hysterically as the girl struggled to crawl away. There was no escape. Not for me. Not for her. Not for anyone. I MUST succeed. NO MATTER WHAT! I walked over to her, holding a knife. I forced her against the wall and held the knife to her neck, like I had about 40 years ago. Time really does slip away.

The girl whimpered, her eyes filled with fear. The expression, the fear. Something that I constantly enjoyed. Until now. I was flashed back to a different face, a different time. I dropped my knife as my heart ached with an emotion that I hadn't felt in years. Remorse. The face...the cries. I collapsed, feeling ready to cry. I would have, if I still had tears. 

"Why do you cry? Finally feeling guilt? Well, it's too late for that." the voices whispered. I punched the air around me, and the voices dissipate. I look up, only to see those eyes again. Why did I do this? I knew though, that it was too late. Too late to apologize. But I could try.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. The girl appeared shocked, then waved it off. She was unfazed. But I still felt guilt. "I'm so sorry." I said, louder this time. Once again, an expression of shock was on the girl's face. This time though, the girl stared at me. She was confused. 

"Are you serious? You really think you can apologize? This was all your fault!" the girl shouted, her voice filled with anger. "All the death. The lies. The betrayal. All of it was because you killed! And why children? They're so innocent!"

"I know. Children were the perfect target. So unsuspecting. But that wasn't my point. I'm sorry for what I've done. But I know that it's too late to apologize." I said. "So, I need to finish what I started. And that means that I have to do this." I picked up my knife and threw it at her, catching her in the stomach. The girl gasped for air, then fell to the metal floor of the cold and unforgiving vents. I frowned. Was this really necessary? I looked down, then remembered the answer. The answer that had kept me going for decades. No, it wasn't necessary. But it was fun.

Michael's P.O.V

I sulked in a far corner of the ventilation system, feeling empty. I had tried to kill someone I cared about. Henry was a childhood father's former friend. Why did I do that? I stared at my new hands, twisted skeletal fingers made of metal. That was the reason. This body. I screeched an inhuman screech and punched the vent wall, leaving a large dent. Then, I heard a scream. Y/N's scream. I crawled swiftly towards the source, my new body traveling faster than my old one ever could. I saw Scraptrap up ahead and ducked behind a corner. He...he had hurt Y/N. I snarled and slipped back into the shadows. I couldn't do this alone. I needed help.

I crawled along the dark vents, my eyes creating a light source. I spotted Henry up ahead, crawling towards me. Then, he turned and crawled away. I made my way after him, my eyes transitioning to a reddish-brown color. I knew I couldn't hold on much longer, but I had to try. Y/N's life was at stake. 

Henry's P.O.V 

I crawled as fast as I could, knowing that he was behind me. If Molten Freddy caught me, it would all be over. He would kill me, and Y/N would most likely die. If she wasn't dead already. I made it back to the office, then grabbed the nearest object, which was a flashlight. I flashed it into Molten Freddy's eyes, flashing it over and over to make him go away.

"Stop!" Molten Freddy roared, slapping the flashlight out of my hands. I started to back away, but he grabbed me by the arm, stopping me. "Please. I need your help." 

I stared at Molten Freddy, stunned. His eyes were the brightest red I'd ever seen, but he was speaking in Michael's voice. Was he to be trusted? No. "Why should I?" I asked.

"Because if you don't, then Y/N will die." Molten responded, his voice wearing thin. I could hear the strain in his voice as clear as daylight. Michael was struggling to keep control of his new body...and winning. 

I didn't know how long Michael could keep this type of control. "Fine." I said hesitantly. "For Y/N. I can't let another employee get hurt because of William's offense."

"None taken." Michael responded. "Let's go." He let go of my arm and slipped into the vents, his eyes glowing, creating a light source. I followed him in, ready to fight.

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