Chapter 9: Salvaging Lefty

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Michael's P.O.V

I sat in a corner of the ventilation system, listening. There were now two separate movements. There were more animatronics here. So this was Henry's plan. Gather the souls all in one place. Wonderful. This wouldn't work. This was all a part of William's plan. To gather his best creations in one place. So he could murder again. I couldn't let that happen. I had to stop Henry from completing this task. Or I could destroy Scraptrap and end the cycle of death that was Fazbear Entertainment. I needed to do both. But I had failed. My role as protector was gone. Now, I was the animatronic. End the pain.

End this once and for all. 

For once, Molten Freddy and I agreed on something. End it all. Kill them all. Including Y/N. I wasn't the man I used to be. I had tried to cling to my past, but Y/N had made me realize that I needed to let it go. I was reborn into this body. And now, to free the souls, I needed to kill the people who had made so much death possible. It's time to pay for your crimes, Father!

I laughed insanely, my once perfectly sane mind now a chasm of insanity and despair. I didn't lose control. Not anymore. But now I felt a rush of adrenaline, with flashes of insanity. And it felt wonderful.

Your P.O.V

You walk into work feeling exhausted. You hadn't slept for 2 days. Not since Michael left you in search of Scraptrap. You were worried sick. Quite literally, for you felt nauseous just thinking about what might have happened to Michael. 

"He's fine. He's an animatronic now. They don't get hurt as easily as humans. Nothing to worry about." you mutter under your breath. You walk around the tables, telling parents that it was closing time, to gather their children and leave. That's when the chaos began.

"Brian! Where are you?" a hysterical mother screeched as she searched the restaurant. A child had gone missing. You wonder where the child went, then you remember what happened to all the children that disappeared at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. They were murdered. 

You run over to the mom and grab her forcefully by the hand. "I'm sorry, but I don't know where he is. I'll check the back rooms."

The mom seems to calm down. "Okay. I'll search for him out here. It's not like he could have just disappeared."

"Yeah." you say reluctantly. You dash to the salvage room and see a boy in there. He's unconscious but not dead. His head appears to have been bludgeoned. You reluctantly call out to the mother, who runs in when she hears your voice.

The mom sees her son Brian unconscious on the ground with blood oozing from his head. "No. W-who did this?!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. I just got here." you say sadly.

"I'm suing this restaurant!" the mom screams hysterically as she pulls out her phone and calls 911.

You groan and walk away. Your first lawsuit. It was going to be expensive.

The ambulance arrives 3 minutes later and rushes Brian to the hospital. You feel so guilty. If you had been here earlier, then you might have prevented this incident. You notice that the lock was broken. Damn. The kid had broken the lock, gotten into the room, and had been injured, either in the room or in the vents. You couldn't tell the police that though. That would get the restaurant closed down. You lie and say that Brian had broken into an unauthorized area and had injured himself with the equipment in the room. 

The police believe you and talk to the mother. However, there will be lawsuits. Hopefully, you will win. If not, then you will have to pay the family $500. That can't happen. Not when you're saving up for a new animatronic. You have been flipping through the catalogs and have your heart set on purchasing Rockstar Foxy. The epic, red fox is dressed as a pirate and has a parrot on his shoulder! He looks so awesome! And you only need about $100 more.

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