Peace at Last

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You close your eyes, ignoring the exit. There was no leaving now. Henry needed you. You weren't afraid of death anymore. After all, you had already experienced it. As the fire consumes you, you hear a whisper.

"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for not looking in the box. I"

You choke back a sob and rest. Tomorrow is a new day.

You awaken in a beautiful paradise. Henry is standing beside you, still holding your hand. You don't see Michael at first, then you spot him hugging a red-haired woman, who must be his mother. You walk over to Michael and hear a very strange conversation.

"Honey, why did you do it?" the woman asked, brushing Michael's black hair out of his eyes. 

"I-I don't know. I was angry. And Tommy said that it would be okay." Michael chokes out. His eyes are brimming with tears. 

"You know now that Tommy isn't real, right?" the woman asked nervously.

"Yeah. Now I do. I'm so sorry about your death, Mom." Michael said before he broke down, crying. The woman hugged him and you saw his form flicker, then change. In his place you see an 8 year old boy with black hair and gray eyes. 

The woman smiles and hugs him tighter. "I missed you, my angel. You truly are Daddy's boy."

Michael stares angrily at her. "No. I am nothing like that monster. I didn't succumb to insanity like he did. I didn't kill children."

The woman starts to cry, her tears streaming down her face. "I didn't k now that he killed children. I'm so sorry!"

Michael returns to his adult form, except his eyes are a silver, like the moon. "It's okay, Mom. He's paying for his crimes now. The family is back together. Mostly."

A young, red-haired girl streaks over to Michael and the woman. A black-haired boy walks over nervously. They truly are a family. 

You turn around, searching for your parents, but you can't find them anywhere. They had been bad people, so you doubted that they would be here. You see Henry standing with his wife and the twins. David and Maribelle were hugging each other, finally back together after 50 years. You sigh and turn to walk away.

"Hey, Y/N!" Michael calls out. "Come over here!"

You run back to Michael and leap into his arms, which he has extended. The two of you kiss happily. 

The two of you are interrupted by Gabriel, who is giggling with Elizabeth at the two of you. You and Michael blush, then hug again. 

The woman smiles. "So, Michael. Is this your girlfriend?"

Michael blushes again. "Yeah. This is Y/N. Y/N L/N."

You smile. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Afton."

The woman smiles. "Just call me Alice."

You nod and hug Michael again. You finally feel at peace here in Heaven. Or whatever this afterlife is. You have finally found peace.

Good Ending

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