Chapter 10: Breaking Michael

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You walk into work an hour early and walk straight to your office. There was a lawsuit lying on the table. Just great. Then you read the legal document, and your face lights up like a jack-o-lantern. Fazbear Entertainment had won the proceeding.You didn't have to pay that bitch a dime. You whoop, drawing the attention of the patrons in the dining area. You don't care though. You finally have enough money to purchase Rockstar Foxy.

Henry arrived at the restaurant and spotted Lefty onstage. Oh crap. With the reaction that Henry had to Lefty's salvage last night, it probably wasn't good. You smirk and hide in the vent opening, watching the office. 

Henry storms into the office, looking furious and sad at the same time. You had never seen him like that. Not once. You step out of the vent opening with a guilty expression on your face. Henry whirls around to face you. His face is now unreadable.

"Y/N," Henry began, then broke down, crying. You place your hand on his shoulder and pat it as Henry sobs. Finally, Henry composes himself and throws his arm off of you. "No more pats. I'm fine."

You frown. "If this was about Lefty, then I'm sorry. But you said nothing about the salvaged animatronics in regards to performing, so I let Lefty perform. Don't be mad because of something you never told me about." 

Henry sighs. 'It's not about Lefty being onstage. It's about the incident with that kid yesterday. You never lock the door to your office! Molten escaped and hurt that kid because you were irresponsible and-"

"Wait...Molten Freddy did this?! But Michael wouldn't hurt a child!" you argue.

"I told you, Y/N. Michael's been a He was laughing about it last night. Laughing about hurting a little kid." Henry says sadly.

Your world seems to be falling apart. If Michael did this...then he was no better than Scraptrap. Michael had hurt a child....but why?

"Michael said that he was trying to, I quote, kill that little brat. I'm so sorry, Y/N" Henry says, interrupting your thoughts.

You fall to your knees, the world spinning faster and faster, making you dizzy. Michael...he had tried to murder a child. He really was just like William. 

You stand up as the world stops spinning. Michael had become his father. And there was nothing you could do about it. You walk over to Henry, and he hugs you. You hug him back, then realize that Henry is sniffing your hair. You break away from him, a little disturbed.

"Henry? Were you...sniffing my hair?!" you ask accusingly.

"Uh...yes. Sorry about that. It's just that I've been lonely for years and-" Henry starts.

You lean over and kiss him, and he blushes then kisses you back. The world now sees to stand still as the two of you kiss. Now, everything is truly perfect. Then you remember doing this with Michael when he was alive, and you feel a flash of guilt that is quickly overpowered by a sense of longing. You want this. 

Michael's P.O.V

I regained control. The sane part of me. Not the crazy, psychotic part of me. I never knew that it existed. But now it takes control of my every thought, turning it murderous in a second. There was only one reason why I was still sane. Y/N.

I heard Y/N and Henry talking in the office. I crawled through the vents, desperately trying to reach her before...I did. My psychotic self. I reached the vent opening and watched Y/N and Henry creepily like the stalker I was.

"Henry? Were you...sniffing my hair?!"

"Uh...yes. Sorry about that. It's just that I've been lonely for years and-"

Then, they kissed. And my world flipped upside-down. I couldn't believe what was happening. Henry had stole Y/N from me. And Y/N was okay with it. I watched as a frown spread across her face, only to be transformed into an expression of need. She needed Henry. She needed that kiss. No. She WANTED it. Which made everything so much worse. Y/N didn't need me anymore. But I needed her. And she had abandoned me. I snarled, but the sick lovebirds didn't notice. 

I felt myself slipping away. Everything about me was fading. I-I couldn't hold on. For my only anchor had washed away. 

"Please. Set me free. Please, Y/N. SET ME FREE!" I screamed, but Y/N never noticed. She didn't hear my last words either. "I loved you, Y/N."

Henry's P.O.V

I broke away from Y/N, feeling guilty. I knew that Michael liked Y/N, but I had kissed her anyway. Why had I done that? I had heard someone speaking, but I had ignored them. Then I saw red eyes, staring at me from the vent opening. Michael was here. And he had seen everything. Shit.

I backed away from the vent opening, Y/N looked at me worriedly, then followed suit. We stared at the vent opening for seemed like forever, and Michael just kept STARING AT US. It was extremely awkward.

"Michael? A-are you okay? You're staring." Y/N said, breaking the silence.

Michael just laughed an insane laugh and leaped into the room, landing directly in front of us. I would have felt his breath on my neck. That is, if he still breathed.

"You two make me sick," Michael snarled, his eyes glowing a blood-red. "Going and kissing Y/N when you thought I wasn't looking. I think that it's time to be PUNISHED."

"Y/N kissed me!" I argued.

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus, Henry." Y/N said coldly.

Well then. I guess there's two bitches in the room that need to be taught a lesson." Michael sneered. He shows us his hands, which are sharpened into deadly talons. "Sadly for you two, that means DEATH!" Michael growls and attacks me, pinning me to the ground with his body weight as his sharpened fingers dance along my neck, leaving small cuts.

"Michael! Please stop!" Y/N screams.

Michael leaps onto her, pinning her to the ground. "You beg for mercy? I pleaded for you to set me free, but YOU NEVER LISTENED. It's time to die, bitch." He smiles as he drags his fingers across her throat, leaving a long cut, more severe than the ones he had given me. 

We were going to die here. I had failed.

Then, Lefty slammed down the door to the office. His eye was locked onto Molten Freddy, who was in the process of killing Y/N slowly. Lefty grabbed Molten by the throat and dragged him off Y/N. He then proceeded to throw Molten at the wall, where he slumped down, dazed.

"Run," Lefty said in my daughter's voice, "Get out of here before this wayward spirit kills you."

"Thank you, Maribelle." I whispered. Thank you so much." Then I picked up Y/N, who was losing blood fast, and fled Freddy Fazbear's. Tomorrow,if my plan worked out, there wouldn't be a Freddy's. My story would end, along with all the souls trapped here. 

Tomorrow would be a new day. For everyone.

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