Chapter 4: The Ultimate Plan

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Scraptrap's P.O.V

I waited in the vents patiently. Molten Freddy would return with my prize soon. I made sure of that. I then spotted two figures ahead. Molten Freddy was dragging a man through the vents towards me. Perfect. I leered at Molten Freddy, who grinned back at me, his teeth stained red. He had the man's arm between his teeth, making sure not to rip the man's arm off. 

Molten Freddy dropped the man onto the ground, who rolled over, unconscious. I groaned and checked the man's pulse. The pulse was weak, but still there.

"Molten, what did I tell you to do?" I asked coldly.

"Bring you Henry. Make sure he arrives alive. You never mentioned that he couldn't die after he was delivered." Molten Freddy responded.

I slapped Molten, who snarled then glared at me. "I implied that Henry has to be alive! He needs to be that my revenge plan will succeed. Do you remember the plan, Molten?"

Molten Freddy's eyes had changed color slightly, and now they had a purple tint to them. A little weird, considering that I didn't design Molten Freddy's eyes to change color. I decided to take note of it and move on. "I think I need to be reminded of what your 'master plan' is about." Molten said.

I groaned. "My plan is to lure off a ton of kids and murder them. That will release their souls, and I will harness them using you and Scrap Baby, whom I designed specifically for this purpose. You two were designed to capture souls. However, I need Henry's help to perfect this feature. Got that, Molten?"

Molten Freddy's eyes were now a bright purple, brighter than I'd ever seen them. That was worrying. "Now I understand. Thanks for reminding me...and telling Henry about it too. Not exactly your smartest plan." Molten dropped Henry and helped him stand. Henry was regaining consciousness. 

"Fuck!" I shouted. I thought that the color change was weird. Must be a malfunction, considering that Molten Freddy was designed to never disagree with me. I programmed his loyalty, but a virus was dragging him away from me. I screeched and lunged at Henry, to grab him and take him for my plans, but Molten intervened, shoving me forcibly off Henry. 

"Leave him alone!" Molten shouted, in a significantly different voice that I recognized instantly. "He doesn't belong to you!"

"Michael." I snarled. "Step away. This doesn't involve you."

Molten/Michael growled then grabbed me by the neck and started to squeeze, his twisted face contorted into rage. "This ends now," he said.

I laughed hysterically. My design had worked. No matter how many times Michael had said that my plans would fail, he was wrong. I didn't need Henry's help. I had trapped Michael's soul in his worst nightmare: the thing responsible for his death. I had already won. I noticed Henry run away, but I didn't care. I didn't need Henry anymore. I already knew how to capture souls in animatronic shells. 

Molten had started to twitch, his eyes flashing red. He dropped me and clutched his head. Then, after a minute, Molten Freddy stood up, awaiting my commands, his eyes once again the bright red I remembered. I laughed again, knowing that as Michael had this type of incomplete control over his new body that I was unstoppable.

Your P.O.V

The next day

You walk to work extremely concerned. Henry hadn't responded to your 54 calls and texts. Something happened while he was filling in for you at work. You walk in and run straight for your office, shoving children aside as you ran for the door. Entering the office, you lock the door behind you and sit down. You check the heat scanners and are shocked when you pick up three signals. You look down one vent opening as far as you can see only to spot a trail of blood leading from your office into the vent system. 

"What happened here?" you wonder aloud as you get up from your chair and crawl through the vents, following the trail of blood with your trusty flashlight in hand. You enter a section of the vents and spot Henry up ahead, tending to a bite wound on his arm. You crawl over and hug him tightly, slightly aware of something crawling towards the two of you. 

"Wh-what are you doing?! You need to get out of here!" Henry exclaimed.

"I-I can't," you respond. "I already lost Michael. I can't lose you too."

Henry stopped, then sighs and grips your shoulders and stares into your eyes. "Y/N, Michael is here. Sort of. His soul is here."

You freeze, unable to process any thoughts. Michael. Here. You can't understand. "W-w-w-what?!" you cry, unable to compute the situation.

"It's true," Henry said. "And now he's here. To finish me off."

You stare at him disbelievingly. Then, something grabs you by your hair and drags you away. You scream, your head on fire as your hair follicles are on the verge of being ripped out of your head. You're dragged into the darkness of the vents as Henry screams your name.

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