|3| • Brian's Henrietta? •

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Roger stayed behind the counter with me for the last few minutes, most of which he spent talking to my boss who turned out to be a huge Queen fan. I hadn't known that, but it was fine with me.

He even helped us close up and promised my boss tickets to their next London concert before we left the pharmacy and walked to Roger's car which he spent minutes showing me proudly before we could finally get in.

But that was okay, it felt good to spend some time with him again. I hadn't realised how much I had missed his company. We had to drive some time to get to where the studio was, it was hidden away in quite an unusual place if you asked me, because when Roger indicated to turn off the main road, he was about to drive into the parking lot of an old church. A little confused I looked around as he slowly drove along the path.

"Are you recording in a church? That's odd," I told him, turning to look at him.

"Oh no," he chuckled. "There's a building back there, it's quieter and more private, exactly what we need. See?" He said as he parked the car and gestured to the building in front of us.

"Ah yes, that makes more sense. It's nice though, a little mysterious. I bet this place has a great history.."

Roger chuckled a little. "And that's a reason why you and Brian fit together so well. Guess what he said the moment he saw this."

"Well... yeah. I guess we do think alike sometimes. He's here already," I pointed out when I spotted his car.

"Well yes, we're late, we kind of agreed to meet at six. So I apologise for any yelling there will be when I walk in there." He turned off hs car and got out so I followed him out of the car and then into the studio.

"Rog, it's nearly half past seven now," I pointed out. "You could have gone ahead, you know?"

"I know, but I was late anyway and now at least I have a good reason which will make at least one of them less mad at me," he said, holding the door open for me.

"Wow," I chuckled. "Thanks. Well, I'm glad I can help. Is it really okay that I just join you here? It seems official, I bet not just anyone can walk in here."

"That's true," he confirmed before he signed the register and then handed me the pen. "But you, my dear, aren't just anyone. You're the guitarist's girlfriend, and that gives you certain special rights, such as being here. You just have to sign in. Just put 'Brian May - Queen' here," he instructed me.

I did as he said, putting that along with my name and address. "Alright... I think I just have to get used to ... well... this," I said simply, gesturing around me. "I guess in my mind Brian is still the broke physics student, and... this is just very fancy. It's not exactly the kind of place I usually go. I've never been in a recording studio before, Rog, I don't really know how this all works.."

"Hey, don't worry," he told me. "You'll work it out. It's not that hard, hey, I'm managing it so you definitely can," he tried to encourage me. "Seriously though, it's not that tricky. Brian is still the same person, just in a different context now. Take your time to get used to that, and maybe tell him how you feel. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Yeah," I just said and followed Roger along the hallway. "Thanks."

"And if you ever need any advice you can ask. We're still working some of these things out too, there's always something new that we don't know."

"Okay.. That's good. Yeah. I guess just time helps," I mumbled, partly just to myself.

"So ... this is where we're recording at the moment. Come on in, just try to be quiet okay?"

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